Tue, 03/29/2022 - 09:13
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8. edition of NCN Days will be held on 11 and 12 May in Białystok.

The NCN Days is a cyclical event, taking place each time in a different part of Poland. Its aim is to present the NCN’s offer to researchers working in academic and research institutions all over the country and to encourage them to participate in calls organised by the National Science Centre. This year’s event will be co-organised by research institutions from the Podlasie region – the University of Białystok, the Białystok University of Technology, the Medical University of Białystok and the Mammal Biology Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Białowieża. The event programme includes a meeting of the NCN Directorate and Council with the region’s research community and a discussion on the NCN grant offer.

Rynek Kościuszki w Białymstoku, fot. Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuRynek Kościuszki w Białymstoku, fot. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku I would like our activities and effectiveness in obtaining grants from the NCN to increase, therefore, I am glad that the NCN Days will be held in Białystok”, says Prof. Izabela Święcicka, Vice-Chancellor for Science and International Cooperation at the University of Białystok. The vice-chancellor points out that NCN grants “are a very important source of funding for Polish science”. “For many young researchers, this is an opportunity for the first serious research of their careers. The more experienced ones can, thanks to these grants, take on new challenges and build teams, including international ones”, she adds.

During the NCN Days there will be presentations of grant winners, information meetings about national and international NCN calls, open science and NCN policy in this area, and research data management. Some of the activities will be very practical. There will be five workshops for applicants and administrative staff of universities and research institutes. “During the training, we will explain how the NCN proposal evaluation process works, how to submit projects to achieve success and what to do to settle the grant”, says Dr Marcin Liana, Deputy Director of the National Science Centre.

A detailed programme of the NCN Days will be published in early April. Meetings will be held at the universities co-organising the event. Some of the meetings will be open to the public and for some pre-registration will be opened.

The NCN Days has been held since 2013. Previous editions were held in Katowice, Lublin, Olsztyn and Gdansk, among others, and the last one was held in 2019 in Łódź. The meeting in Białystok was originally scheduled to take place in 2020, but was cancelled due to the pandemic.