How to draft a correct funding proposal? What is the proposal evaluation procedure? How to make a research data management plan? You will get the answers to those questions during the NCN Days in Białystok on 11 and 12 May 2022.
The purpose of the event is to encourage researchers at various stages of their research career employed at various research institutions to participate in the calls for proposals launched by the National Science Centre and help them to draft funding proposals. This event is organised on a regular basis, each time in a different part of Poland. This year, it will be co-organised by the academic and research institutions from the Podlasie region, namely the University of Białystok, the Białystok University of Technology, the Medical University of Białystok and the Mammal Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Białowieża. The event programme includes a meeting of the NCN Director and Council with the region’s research community and a discussion on the NCN grant portfolio.
The opening lecture “The secret to satisfaction and success in research” will be delivered by Prof. Barbara Malinowska from the Medical University of Białystok, physiologist, pharmacologist and winner of three NCN grants.
Grant winners will deliver presentations and meetings will be held to discuss national and international calls for proposals launched by the National Science Centre, of which one will be focused on the POLONEZ BIS programme for foreign researchers intending to carry out research in Poland. We will discuss the advantages for host institutions.
Some of the activities will be very practical. There will be six workshops for applicants (also in English) and administrative staff as well as workshops on open access and NCN’s open access policy. If you wish to take part in our workshops, register in advance. Meetings and lectures will be open to public.
2022 NCN Days Programme (in Polish)
Registration to the workshops (in Polish)
Pre-announcement of the 2022 NCN Days
NCN Days to date (in Polish)