NCN Panels for calls announced since 20 March 2025 and for the calls: MINIATURA 9, OPUS 29, PRELUDIUM 24, Weave-UNISONO, M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2025.

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HS – Humanities, Social Sciences and Art Sciences

ID NCN Panel name Disciplines
HS1 Fundamental questions about human existence and the nature of reality
HS1_01 History of philosophy (ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary), history of ideas
HS1_02 Ontology, metaphysics, particular ontologies, metaontology
HS1_03 Epistemology, metaphilosophy, philosophy of science and scientific methodology, philosophy of special sciences
HS1_04 Philosophy of language and philosophy of linguistics, including theories of meaning, theories of reference, metasemantics and pragmatics
HS1_05 Logic, metalogic, philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics
HS1_06 Philosophy of human nature, social philosophy, political philosophy, philosophical anthropology
HS1_07 Nature of mind, including philosophy of mind, philosophy of action, philosophical aspects of cognitive science and artificial intelligence
HS1_08 Ethics, metaethics, axiology, bioethics, applied ethics
HS1_09 Aesthetics and philosophy of culture, including theory of beauty, philosophy and language of art
HS1_10 Religious studies including theory, history, and philosophy of religion.
HS1_11 Religion and its background: anthropological, cultural, social and psychological
HS1_12 Language of religion, sacrum, myth, religious symbolism
HS1_13 Religions of the world
HS1_14 Fundamental theology, apologetics, public theology, science and religion
HS1_15 Dogmatic theology, biblical theology, patrology, ecumenical theology
HS1_16 Moral theology, pastoral theology, liturgics
HS1_17 Other related topics
HS2 Culture and cultural production
HS2_01 History of literature (ancient, modern, contemporary), literary criticism and interpretation
HS2_02 Theory of literature, history of literary studies, methods and approaches in literary and cultural studies, anthropology of literature, comparative literature, literary and cultural translation
HS2_03 Editorial and philological studies, lexicographical and encyclopedic studies, documentation and bibliographical studies
HS2_04 Bibliology, library and information sciences
HS2_05 Historical, comparative, and contemporary linguistics, linguistic typology, study of text and speech genres
HS2_06 General linguistics, theory and methodology of linguistic research
HS2_07 Communication and media studies, bibliology, theory of information, theory of applied linguistics
HS2_08 History and theory of art, history of architecture, visual arts, visual culture studies
HS2_09 Art conservation and restoration
HS2_10 Museology
HS2_11 Studies in musical creativity and performance, music theory, musicology
HS2_12 Theatre studies and performing arts
HS2_13 Film studies and audiovisual media
HS2_14 Cultural studies, including contemporary cultural studies and cultural-anthropological studies
HS2_15 Other related topics
HS3 The study of the human past
HS3_01 Ancient history
HS3_02 Medieval history
HS3_03 Early modern history
HS3_04 Modern and contemporary history
HS3_05 Social history
HS3_06 Political history
HS3_07 Economic history
HS3_08 Cultural history
HS3_09 Historiography, theory and methods of history, source studies
HS3_10 Prehistoric and protohistoric archaeology
HS3_11 Historical archaeology
HS3_12 History of archaeology, archaeological methods and theory, archeometry
HS3_13 Ethnology, ethnography and cultural anthropology
HS3_14 Other related topics
HS4 Institutions, markets, space
HS4_01 Macroeconomics, including economic balance, economic growth, business cycles in global economy, labour economics
HS4_02 Microeconomics, institutional economics
HS4_03 Econometrics, statistical methods
HS4_04 Population dynamics, demographic processes
HS4_05 Sustainable development, Socio-economic and spatial aspects of environmental and climate change
HS4_06 Financial markets, international finance, public finance
HS4_07 Banking, corporate finance, accounting
HS4_08 Behavioral economics, consumption and consumer behavior, marketing
HS4_09 Organization studies, strategic management, concepts and methods of management, logistics
HS4_10 Human resource management, employment and salaries
HS4_11 Public economics, social infrastructure, public administration
HS4_12 Living conditions and standards, income distribution, poverty
HS4_13 International economics
HS4_14 Human, social and economic geography, including socio-economic processes, phenomena and structures in spatial analysis
HS4_15 Land use and planning, regional and local development; urban and rural studies
HS4_16 Other related subjects
HS5 Law and political science
HS5_01 Legal history
HS5_02 Theory, philosophy, and sociology of law
HS5_03 Constitutional law, institutions and procedures for protection of rights, public governance
HS5_04 International public law
HS5_05 Public business, social, agricultural, and environmental law
HS5_06 Administrative law: public administration and local government
HS5_07 Financial and tax law
HS5_08 Criminal law and penal sciences
HS5_09 Private law, including civil law, commercial, insurance, labor, and private international law
HS5_10 New technologies in law and public policies
HS5_11 Political theory, political thought, political systems
HS5_12 International relations
HS5_13 Public policies, including population policy, social security issues, the nonprofit sector, social assistance, social gerontology, social dialogue
HS5_14 Security and defense
HS5_15 Other related topics
HS6 Human nature and human society
HS6_01 Personality psychology, individual differences, emotions, motivations
HS6_02 Cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics
HS6_03 Social, political, environmental, and cross-cultural psychology
HS6_04 Clinical, health, and rehabilitation psychology, clinical neuropsychology, penitentiary and forensic psychology
HS6_05 Developmental, family, and educational psychology
HS6_06 Evolutionary and comparative psychology, behavioral genetics, psychophysiology, neuropsychology
HS6_07 Work, organizational, economic, and consumer psychology
HS6_08 History of psychology, methodology, psychometrics, psychological diagnostics
HS6_09 General, comparative and cultural pedagogy
HS6_10 Social pedagogy and andragogy, social prevention and resocialization
HS6_11 Special needs education
HS6_12 Teaching and education
HS6_13 Theory and philosophy of parenting, history of teaching
HS6_14 Theoretical sociology, methodology
HS6_15 Social structure and social dynamics, environmental change and society
HS6_16 Sociology of ideas, power, norms, organizations
HS6_17 ESociology of culture and social communication, including media studies, journalism, Internet communication
HS6_18 Economic sociology and sociology of education
HS6_19 Sociology of development: local, regional and global levels
HS6_20 Social problems and pragmatics of sociology
HS6_21 Public space
HS6_22 Other related topics

ST – Physical Sciences and Engineering

ID NCN Panel name Disciplines
ST1 Mathematics all areas of mathematics, pure and applied, as well as mathematical foundations of computer science, physics and statistics
ST1_01 Logic and foundations
ST1_02 Algebra
ST1_03 Number theory
ST1_04 Algebraic and complex geometry
ST1_05 Geometry
ST1_06 Topology
ST1_07 Lie groups, Lie algebras
ST1_08 Analysis
ST1_09 Operator algebras and functional analysis
ST1_10 Ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems
ST1_11 Partial differential equations
ST1_12 Mathematical methods of physics
ST1_13 Probability and statistics
ST1_14 Discrete mathematics and combinatorics
ST1_15 Mathematical aspects of computer science
ST1_16 Numerical analysis
ST1_17 Applied mathematics
ST1_18 Control theory and optimisation
ST1_19 Other related subjects
ST2 Fundamental constituents of matter particle, nuclear, plasma, atomic, molecular, gas and optical physics
ST2_01 Fundamental interactions and fields
ST2_02 Particle physics
ST2_03 Nuclear physics
ST2_04 Nuclear astrophysics
ST2_05 Gas and plasma physics
ST2_06 Electricity and magnetism
ST2_07 Atomic and molecular physics
ST2_08 Ultracold atoms and molecules
ST2_09 Optics, non-linear optics and nano-optics
ST2_10 Quantum optics and quantum information
ST2_11 Lasers, ultrashort pulses and laser physics
ST2_12 Relativity and gravitation
ST2_13 Thermodynamics
ST2_14 Non-linear phenomena
ST2_15 Metrology and measurement methods
ST2_16 Statistical physics (gases)
ST2_17 Complex systems
ST2_18 Acoustics
ST2_19 Foundations of physics, mathematical physics
ST2_20 Other related subjects
ST3 Condensed matter physics structure, electronic properties, fluids, nanosciences, biological physics
ST3_01 Structure of solids, material growth and characterisation
ST3_02 Mechanical and acoustical properties of condensed matter, lattice dynamics
ST3_03 Transport properties of condensed matter
ST3_04 Electronic properties of materials, surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures, etc.
ST3_05 Physical properties of semiconductors and insulators
ST3_06 Macroscopic quantum phenomena: superconductivity, superfluidity, etc.
ST3_07 Spintronics
ST3_08 Magnetism and strongly correlated systems
ST3_09 Condensed matter interactions with beams of photons, electrons, etc.
ST3_10 Nanophysics: nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomagnetism, nanoelectromechanics, etc.
ST3_11 Mesoscopic physics
ST3_12 Molecular electronics
ST3_13 Structure and dynamics of disordered systems, soft matter, etc.
ST3_14 Fluid dynamics (physics)
ST3_15 Statistical physics of condensed matter, phase transitions, noise and fluctuations, etc.
ST3_16 Physics of biological systems
ST3_17 Other related subjects
ST4 Chemistry physical chemistry/chemical physics, theoretical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry
ST4_01 Physical chemistry, chemical physics
ST4_02 Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques
ST4_03 Molecular architecture and structure
ST4_04 Theoretical and computational chemistry
ST4_05 Analytical chemistry
ST4_06 Instrumental methods in chemistry
ST4_07 Electrochemistry, microfluidics in chemistry, sensors
ST4_08 Photochemistry
ST4_09 Catalysis
ST4_10 Colloid chemistry
ST4_11 Chemical reactions: mechanisms, thermodynamics, kinetics
ST4_12 Radiation and nuclear chemistry
ST4_13 Environmental chemistry
ST4_14 Inorganic chemistry
ST4_15 Physical chemistry of biological systems
ST4_16 Other related subjects
ST5 Synthetic Chemistry and Materials Science new materials and new synthetic approaches, structure-properties relations, solid state chemistry, molecular architecture, organic and bioorganic chemistry
ST5_01 Structural properties of materials
ST5_02 Solid-state materials
ST5_03 Surface modification
ST5_04 Thin films
ST5_05 Polymer materials
ST5_06 Porous materials, ceramics, glasses
ST5_07 Composites, organic-inorganic hybrid materials, etc.
ST5_08 Biomaterials, biocompatible materials
ST5_09 New emerging materials
ST5_10 Coordination and supramolecular chemistry
ST5_11 Macromolecular chemistry
ST5_12 Polymer chemistry
ST5_13 Organic chemistry
ST5_14 Biological chemistry
ST5_15 Medicinal chemistry
ST5_16 Ionic liquids
ST5_17 Other related subjects
ST6 Computer science and informatics informatics and information systems, computer science, scientific computing, intelligent systems
ST6_01 Computer architecture, ubiquitous computing
ST6_02 Computer systems, parallel/distributed systems, sensor networks, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems
ST6_03 Software engineering, operating systems, software development methods, programming languages
ST6_04 Formal methods, foundations of computer science, including theoretical computer science, quantum information science
ST6_05 Cryptology, information security and privacy
ST6_06 Algorithms, parallel, distributed and network algorithms, algorithmic game theory
ST6_07 Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi-agent systems
ST6_08 Computer graphics, image processing, computer vision, multimedia, computer games
ST6_09 Human computer interaction, speech recognition and synthesis, natural language processing
ST6_10 Web and information systems, database systems, internet technologies, including information retrieval and digital libraries
ST6_11 Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g. speech, image, video)
ST6_12 Scientific computing, simulation and modelling tools
ST6_13 Bioinformatics, biocomputing, DNA and molecular computation
ST6_14 Other related subjects
ST7 Systems Engineering i.e. electrical, electronic, optical, communication, biomedical, robotic systems
ST7_01 Control engineering in automation and robotics, biocybernetics
ST7_02 Electrical engineering: power components and/or systems
ST7_03 Simulation engineering and modelling
ST7_04 (Micro-, nano-, bionic-) engineering, biosensing systems
ST7_05 Micro- and nanoelectronic, optoelectronic and photonic components
ST7_06 Communication technology, high-frequency technology
ST7_07 Signal processing and analysis, biomeasurements, bioimaging
ST7_08 Communication networks, telemedicine
ST7_09 Man-machine interfaces
ST7_10 Hardware implementation of algorithms
ST7_11 Electronic, optoelectronic and photonic components and systems for applications (e.g. in biomedical engineering)
ST7_12 Electrical energy production, distribution and application
ST7_13 Other related subjects
ST8 Production and processes engineering i.e. chemical-, civil-, environmental-, mechanical-, biomechanical-, energy-, transport-, biological- processes and models)
ST8_01 Chemical engineering, technical chemistry, environmental engineering, sanitary engineering, engineering of chemical processes
ST8_02 Maritime/hydraulic/water engineering, civil engineering, aerospace engineering
ST8_03 Computational engineering, computer-aided modelling, design and manufacturing
ST8_04 Fluid mechanics, technical thermodynamics
ST8_05 Power systems (production, distribution)
ST8_06 Mechatronics, biomechatronics, precision mechanics
ST8_07 Machine design (modelling, shaping, machining)
ST8_08 Mechanics of solids, biomechanics
ST8_09 Industrial design, design and manufacturing, product and device design, ergonomics, human-machine interaction
ST8_10 Technical aspects of architecture, urban studies and spatial planning
ST8_11 Production planning and control
ST8_12 Technical aspects of transport
ST8_13 Architectural acoustics
ST8_14 Environmental engineering, e.g. sustainable design, waste and water treatment, recycling, regeneration or recovery of compounds, carbon capture & storage, clean technologies, chemical aspects of circular economy
ST8_15 Bioengineering, artificial organs
ST8_16 Other related subjects
ST9 Astronomy and space science astrophysics, astrochemistry, astrobiology, solar system, planetary systems, stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy, space science, instrumentation
ST9_01 Solar and interplanetary physics
ST9_02 Planets and small bodies of the solar system
ST9_03 Interstellar medium
ST9_04 Formation of stars and planets
ST9_05 Extrasolar planetary systems
ST9_06 Astrobiology
ST9_07 Stars and stellar systems
ST9_08 The Galaxy
ST9_09 Formation and evolution of galaxies
ST9_10 Clusters of galaxies and large-scale structures of the Universe
ST9_11 High energy and particle astrophysics: X-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays, neutrinos
ST9_12 Relativistic astrophysics
ST9_13 Dark matter, dark energy
ST9_14 Gravitational-wave astronomy
ST9_15 Cosmology
ST9_16 Earth science with satellite techniques
ST9_17 Large data bases: archiving, handling and analysis
ST9_18 Observational and satellite techniques, telescopes, detectors
ST9_19 Other related subjects
ST10 Earth sciences Earth system science, atmospheric sciences, climatology, geochemistry, geodesy, geoecology, geophysics, physical geography, geoinformatics, planetary geology, pedology, mining, chemical and physical oceanology, environmental protection
ST10_01 Chemistry and physics of the atmosphere, atmospheric pollution
ST10_02 Climatology, meteorology, climate change
ST10_03 Physics of the Earth's interior, seismology, geomagnetism, Earth’s gravity field
ST10_04 Geochemistry, biogeochemistry
ST10_05 Mineralogy, petrology, volcanology, economic geology
ST10_06 Earth evolution, sedimentology, tectonics, regional geology, marine geology, planetary geology
ST10_07 Geomorphology, cryosphere, global and regional changes of the Earth's landscape
ST10_08 Paleontology, stratigraphy, geochronology
ST10_09 Geophysics, geomechanics, geotechnical engineering, engineering geology, mining
ST10_10 Hydrogeology, hydrology, water cycle, water pollution
ST10_11 Marine physics and chemistry
ST10_12 Geodesy, cartography, geographic information systems, Earth observations from space and by remote sensing
ST10_13 Geoecosystem: atmosphere-morphosphere-lithosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, anthroposphere
ST10_14 Soil science, soil pollution
ST10_15 Paleoclimatology, paleoecology
ST10_16 Changes/shaping and protection of the natural environment
ST11 Materials Engineering advanced materials development: performance enhancement, modelling, large-scale preparation, modification, tailoring, optimisation, novel and combined use of materials
ST11_01 Engineering of biomaterials, biomimetic, bioinspired and bio-enabled materials
ST11_02 Engineering of metals and alloys
ST11_03 Engineering of ceramics and glasses
ST11_04 Engineering of polymers and plastics
ST11_05 Engineering of composites and hybrid and functionally graded materials
ST11_06 Engineering of carbon materials
ST11_07 Engineering of metal oxides
ST11_08 Engineering of alternative established or emergent materials
ST11_09 Nanomaterials engineering, e.g. nanoparticles, nanoporous materials, 1D & 2D nanomaterials
ST11_10 Soft materials engineering, e.g. gels, foams, colloids
ST11_11 Porous materials engineering, e.g. covalentorganic, metal-organic, porous aromatic frameworks
ST11_12 Semi-conducting and magnetic materials engineering
ST11_13 Metamaterials engineering
ST11_14 Computational methods for materials engineering
ST11_15 Surface engineering
ST11_16 Other related subjects

NZ – Life Sciences

ID NCN Panel name Disciplines
NZ1 Molecules of Life: Biological Mechanisms, Structures and Functions For all organisms: Molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, molecular biophysics, synthetic and chemical biology, drug design, innovative methods and modelling
NZ1_01 Macromolecular complexes including interactions involving nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates
NZ1_02 Biochemistry
NZ1_03 DNA and RNA biology
NZ1_04 Protein biology
NZ1_05 Lipid biology
NZ1_06 Glycobiology
NZ1_07 Molecular biophysics, biomechanics, bioenergetics
NZ1_08 Structural biology
NZ1_09 Molecular mechanisms of signaling processes
NZ1_10 Synthetic biology
NZ1_11 Chemical biology
NZ1_12 Protein design
NZ1_13 Early translational research and drug design
NZ1_14 Innovative methods and modelling in molecular, structural and synthetic biology
NZ2 Integrative Biology: from Genes and Genomes to Systems For all organisms: Genetics, epigenetics, genomics and other ‘omics studies, bioinformatics, systems biology, genetic diseases, gene editing, innovative methods and modelling, ‘omics for personalized medicine
NZ2_01 Genetics
NZ2_02 Gene editing
NZ2_03 Epigenetics
NZ2_04 Gene regulation
NZ2_05 Genomics
NZ2_06 Metagenomics
NZ2_07 Transcriptomics
NZ2_08 Proteomics
NZ2_09 Metabolomics
NZ2_10 Glycomics/Lipidomics
NZ2_11 Bioinformatics and computational biology
NZ2_12 Biostatistics
NZ2_13 Systems biology
NZ2_14 Genetic diseases
NZ2_15 Integrative biology for personalized medicine
NZ2_16 Innovative methods and modelling in integrative biology
NZ3 Cellular, Developmental and Regenerative Biology For all organisms: Structure and function of the cell, cell-cell communication, embryogenesis, tissue differentiation, organogenesis, growth, development, evolution of development, organoids, stem cells, regeneration, development of therapeutic approaches
NZ3_01 Cell cycle, cell division and growth
NZ3_02 Cell senescence, cell death, autophagy, cell ageing
NZ3_03 Cell behavior, including control of cell shape, cell migration
NZ3_04 Cell junctions, cell adhesion, the extracellular matrix, cell communication
NZ3_05 Cell signaling and signal transduction, exosome biology
NZ3_06 Organelle biology, trafficking and communication
NZ3_07 Mechanobiology of cells, tissues and organs
NZ3_08 Embryogenesis, pattern formation, morphogenesis
NZ3_09 Cell differentiation, formation of tissues and organs
NZ3_10 Developmental genetics
NZ3_11 Evolution of developmental strategies
NZ3_12 Organoids
NZ3_13 Stem cells
NZ3_14 Regeneration
NZ3_15 Development of cell-based therapeutic approaches for tissue regeneration
NZ3_16 Functional imaging of cells and tissues
NZ3_17 Theoretical modelling in cellular, developmental and regenerative biology
NZ4 Physiology in Health, Disease and Ageing For human and animal studies: Organ and tissue physiology, comparative physiology, physiology of ageing, pathophysiology, interorgan and tissue communication, endocrinology, nutrition, metabolism, interaction with the microbiome, non-communicable diseases including cancer (and except disorders of the nervous system and immunity-related diseases)
NZ4_01 Organ and tissue physiology and pathophysiology
NZ4_02 Comparative physiology
NZ4_03 Physiology of ageing (except nervous system)
NZ4_04 Endocrinology
NZ4_05 Non-hormonal mechanisms of inter-organ and tissue communication
NZ4_06 Microbiome and host physiology
NZ4_07 Nutrition and exercise physiology
NZ4_08 Impact of stress (including environmental stress) on physiology
NZ4_09 Metabolism and metabolic disorders, including diabetes and obesity
NZ4_10 The cardiovascular system and cardiovascular diseases
NZ4_11 Hematopoiesis and blood diseases
NZ4_12 Cancer
NZ4_13 Other non-communicable diseases (except disorders of the nervous system and immunity-related diseases)
NZ5 Neuroscience and Disorders of the Nervous System For human and animal studies: Nervous system development, homeostasis and ageing, nervous system function and dysfunction, systems neuroscience and modelling, biological basis of cognitive processes and of behavior, neurological and mental disorders
NZ5_01 Neuronal cells
NZ5_02 Glial cells and neuronal-glial communication
NZ5_03 Neural development and related disorders
NZ5_04 Neural stem cells
NZ5_05 Neural networks and plasticity
NZ5_06 Neurovascular biology and blood-brain barrier
NZ5_07 Sensory systems, sensation and perception, including pain
NZ5_08 Neural basis of behavior
NZ5_09 Neural basis of cognition
NZ5_10 Ageing of the nervous system
NZ5_11 Neurological and neurodegenerative disorders
NZ5_12 Mental disorders
NZ5_13 Nervous system injuries and trauma, stroke
NZ5_14 Repair and regeneration of the nervous system
NZ5_15 Neuroimmunology, neuroinflammation
NZ5_16 Systems and computational neuroscience
NZ5_17 Imaging in neuroscience
NZ5_18 Innovative methods and tools for neuroscience
NZ6 Immunity, Infection and Immunotherapy The immune system, related disorders and their mechanisms, biology of infectious agents and infection, biological basis of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, innovative immunological tools and approaches, including therapies
NZ6_01 Innate immunity
NZ6_02 Adaptive immunity
NZ6_03 Regulation of the immune response
NZ6_04 Immune-related diseases
NZ6_05 Biology of pathogens (e.g., bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi)
NZ6_06 Infectious diseases
NZ6_07 Mechanisms of infection
NZ6_08 Biological basis of prevention and treatment of infection
NZ6_09 Antimicrobials, antimicrobial resistance
NZ6_10 Vaccine development
NZ6_11 Innovative immunological tools and approaches, including therapies
NZ7 Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Diseases Medical technologies and tools for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases, therapeutic approaches and interventions, pharmacology, preventative medicine, epidemiology and public health, digital medicine
NZ7_01 Medical imaging for prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of diseases
NZ7_02 Medical technologies and tools (including genetic tools and biomarkers) for prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of diseases
NZ7_03 Nanomedicine
NZ7_04 Regenerative medicine
NZ7_05 Applied gene, cell and immune therapies
NZ7_06 Other medical therapeutic interventions, including transplantation
NZ7_07 Pharmacology and toxicology
NZ7_08 Effectiveness of interventions, including resistance to therapies
NZ7_09 Public health and epidemiology
NZ7_10 Preventative and prognostic medicine
NZ7_11 Environmental health, occupational medicine
NZ7_12 Health care, including care for the ageing population
NZ7_13 Palliative medicine
NZ7_14 Digital medicine, e-medicine, medical applications of artificial intelligence
NZ7_15 Medical ethics
NZ8 Environmental Biology, Ecology and Evolution For all organisms: Ecology, biodiversity, environmental change, evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology, microbial ecology, marine biology, ecophysiology, theoretical developments and modelling
NZ8_01 Ecosystem and community ecology, macroecology
NZ8_02 Biodiversity
NZ8_03 Conservation biology
NZ8_04 Population biology, population dynamics, population genetics
NZ8_05 Biological aspects of environmental change, including climate change
NZ8_06 Evolutionary ecology
NZ8_07 Evolutionary genetics
NZ8_08 Phylogenetics, systematics, comparative biology
NZ8_09 Macroevolution and paleobiology
NZ8_10 Ecology and evolution of species interactions
NZ8_11 Behavioral ecology and evolution
NZ8_12 Microbial ecology and evolution
NZ8_13 Marine biology and ecology
NZ8_14 Ecophysiology, from organisms to ecosystems
NZ8_15 Theoretical developments and modelling in environmental biology, ecology, and evolution
NZ9 Biotechnology and Biosystems Engineering Biotechnology using all organisms, biotechnology for environment and food applications, applied plant and animal sciences, bioengineering and synthetic biology, biomass and biofuels, biohazards
NZ9_01 Bioengineering for synthetic and chemical biology
NZ9_02 Applied genetics, gene editing and transgenic organisms
NZ9_03 Bioengineering of cells, tissues, organs and organisms
NZ9_04 Microbial biotechnology and bioengineering
NZ9_05 Fundamentals of biotechnology, bioengineering, and food technology
NZ9_06 Marine biotechnology and bioengineering
NZ9_07 Environmental biotechnology and bioengineering
NZ9_08 Applied plant sciences, plant breeding, agroecology and soil biology
NZ9_09 Plant pathology and pest resistance
NZ9_10 Veterinary and applied animal sciences
NZ9_11 Biomass production and utilization, biofuels
NZ9_12 Ecotoxicology, biohazards and biosafety

NCN Panels for calls announced since 16 December 2024 to 19 March 2025 (including the BiodivTransform and IMPRESS-U 2025 calls)

NCN Panels for calls announced between 15 December 2022 and 15 December 2024

NCN Panels for calls announced before 15 December 2022