NCN Panels for calls announced since 20 March 2025 and for the calls: MINIATURA 9, OPUS 29, PRELUDIUM 24, Weave-UNISONO, M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2025.
HS – Humanities, Social Sciences and Art Sciences
ID | NCN Panel name | Disciplines |
HS1 | Fundamental questions about human existence and the nature of reality | |
HS1_01 | History of philosophy (ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary), history of ideas | |
HS1_02 | Ontology, metaphysics, particular ontologies, metaontology | |
HS1_03 | Epistemology, metaphilosophy, philosophy of science and scientific methodology, philosophy of special sciences | |
HS1_04 | Philosophy of language and philosophy of linguistics, including theories of meaning, theories of reference, metasemantics and pragmatics | |
HS1_05 | Logic, metalogic, philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics | |
HS1_06 | Philosophy of human nature, social philosophy, political philosophy, philosophical anthropology | |
HS1_07 | Nature of mind, including philosophy of mind, philosophy of action, philosophical aspects of cognitive science and artificial intelligence | |
HS1_08 | Ethics, metaethics, axiology, bioethics, applied ethics | |
HS1_09 | Aesthetics and philosophy of culture, including theory of beauty, philosophy and language of art | |
HS1_10 | Religious studies including theory, history, and philosophy of religion. | |
HS1_11 | Religion and its background: anthropological, cultural, social and psychological | |
HS1_12 | Language of religion, sacrum, myth, religious symbolism | |
HS1_13 | Religions of the world | |
HS1_14 | Fundamental theology, apologetics, public theology, science and religion | |
HS1_15 | Dogmatic theology, biblical theology, patrology, ecumenical theology | |
HS1_16 | Moral theology, pastoral theology, liturgics | |
HS1_17 | Other related topics | |
HS2 | Culture and cultural production | |
HS2_01 | History of literature (ancient, modern, contemporary), literary criticism and interpretation | |
HS2_02 | Theory of literature, history of literary studies, methods and approaches in literary and cultural studies, anthropology of literature, comparative literature, literary and cultural translation | |
HS2_03 | Editorial and philological studies, lexicographical and encyclopedic studies, documentation and bibliographical studies | |
HS2_04 | Bibliology, library and information sciences | |
HS2_05 | Historical, comparative, and contemporary linguistics, linguistic typology, study of text and speech genres | |
HS2_06 | General linguistics, theory and methodology of linguistic research | |
HS2_07 | Communication and media studies, bibliology, theory of information, theory of applied linguistics | |
HS2_08 | History and theory of art, history of architecture, visual arts, visual culture studies | |
HS2_09 | Art conservation and restoration | |
HS2_10 | Museology | |
HS2_11 | Studies in musical creativity and performance, music theory, musicology | |
HS2_12 | Theatre studies and performing arts | |
HS2_13 | Film studies and audiovisual media | |
HS2_14 | Cultural studies, including contemporary cultural studies and cultural-anthropological studies | |
HS2_15 | Other related topics | |
HS3 | The study of the human past | |
HS3_01 | Ancient history | |
HS3_02 | Medieval history | |
HS3_03 | Early modern history | |
HS3_04 | Modern and contemporary history | |
HS3_05 | Social history | |
HS3_06 | Political history | |
HS3_07 | Economic history | |
HS3_08 | Cultural history | |
HS3_09 | Historiography, theory and methods of history, source studies | |
HS3_10 | Prehistoric and protohistoric archaeology | |
HS3_11 | Historical archaeology | |
HS3_12 | History of archaeology, archaeological methods and theory, archeometry | |
HS3_13 | Ethnology, ethnography and cultural anthropology | |
HS3_14 | Other related topics | |
HS4 | Institutions, markets, space | |
HS4_01 | Macroeconomics, including economic balance, economic growth, business cycles in global economy, labour economics | |
HS4_02 | Microeconomics, institutional economics | |
HS4_03 | Econometrics, statistical methods | |
HS4_04 | Population dynamics, demographic processes | |
HS4_05 | Sustainable development, Socio-economic and spatial aspects of environmental and climate change | |
HS4_06 | Financial markets, international finance, public finance | |
HS4_07 | Banking, corporate finance, accounting | |
HS4_08 | Behavioral economics, consumption and consumer behavior, marketing | |
HS4_09 | Organization studies, strategic management, concepts and methods of management, logistics | |
HS4_10 | Human resource management, employment and salaries | |
HS4_11 | Public economics, social infrastructure, public administration | |
HS4_12 | Living conditions and standards, income distribution, poverty | |
HS4_13 | International economics | |
HS4_14 | Human, social and economic geography, including socio-economic processes, phenomena and structures in spatial analysis | |
HS4_15 | Land use and planning, regional and local development; urban and rural studies | |
HS4_16 | Other related subjects | |
HS5 | Law and political science | |
HS5_01 | Legal history | |
HS5_02 | Theory, philosophy, and sociology of law | |
HS5_03 | Constitutional law, institutions and procedures for protection of rights, public governance | |
HS5_04 | International public law | |
HS5_05 | Public business, social, agricultural, and environmental law | |
HS5_06 | Administrative law: public administration and local government | |
HS5_07 | Financial and tax law | |
HS5_08 | Criminal law and penal sciences | |
HS5_09 | Private law, including civil law, commercial, insurance, labor, and private international law | |
HS5_10 | New technologies in law and public policies | |
HS5_11 | Political theory, political thought, political systems | |
HS5_12 | International relations | |
HS5_13 | Public policies, including population policy, social security issues, the nonprofit sector, social assistance, social gerontology, social dialogue | |
HS5_14 | Security and defense | |
HS5_15 | Other related topics | |
HS6 | Human nature and human society | |
HS6_01 | Personality psychology, individual differences, emotions, motivations | |
HS6_02 | Cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics | |
HS6_03 | Social, political, environmental, and cross-cultural psychology | |
HS6_04 | Clinical, health, and rehabilitation psychology, clinical neuropsychology, penitentiary and forensic psychology | |
HS6_05 | Developmental, family, and educational psychology | |
HS6_06 | Evolutionary and comparative psychology, behavioral genetics, psychophysiology, neuropsychology | |
HS6_07 | Work, organizational, economic, and consumer psychology | |
HS6_08 | History of psychology, methodology, psychometrics, psychological diagnostics | |
HS6_09 | General, comparative and cultural pedagogy | |
HS6_10 | Social pedagogy and andragogy, social prevention and resocialization | |
HS6_11 | Special needs education | |
HS6_12 | Teaching and education | |
HS6_13 | Theory and philosophy of parenting, history of teaching | |
HS6_14 | Theoretical sociology, methodology | |
HS6_15 | Social structure and social dynamics, environmental change and society | |
HS6_16 | Sociology of ideas, power, norms, organizations | |
HS6_17 | ESociology of culture and social communication, including media studies, journalism, Internet communication | |
HS6_18 | Economic sociology and sociology of education | |
HS6_19 | Sociology of development: local, regional and global levels | |
HS6_20 | Social problems and pragmatics of sociology | |
HS6_21 | Public space | |
HS6_22 | Other related topics |
ST – Physical Sciences and Engineering
ID | NCN Panel name | Disciplines |
ST1 | Mathematics | all areas of mathematics, pure and applied, as well as mathematical foundations of computer science, physics and statistics |
ST1_01 | Logic and foundations | |
ST1_02 | Algebra | |
ST1_03 | Number theory | |
ST1_04 | Algebraic and complex geometry | |
ST1_05 | Geometry | |
ST1_06 | Topology | |
ST1_07 | Lie groups, Lie algebras | |
ST1_08 | Analysis | |
ST1_09 | Operator algebras and functional analysis | |
ST1_10 | Ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems | |
ST1_11 | Partial differential equations | |
ST1_12 | Mathematical methods of physics | |
ST1_13 | Probability and statistics | |
ST1_14 | Discrete mathematics and combinatorics | |
ST1_15 | Mathematical aspects of computer science | |
ST1_16 | Numerical analysis | |
ST1_17 | Applied mathematics | |
ST1_18 | Control theory and optimisation | |
ST1_19 | Other related subjects | |
ST2 | Fundamental constituents of matter | particle, nuclear, plasma, atomic, molecular, gas and optical physics |
ST2_01 | Fundamental interactions and fields | |
ST2_02 | Particle physics | |
ST2_03 | Nuclear physics | |
ST2_04 | Nuclear astrophysics | |
ST2_05 | Gas and plasma physics | |
ST2_06 | Electricity and magnetism | |
ST2_07 | Atomic and molecular physics | |
ST2_08 | Ultracold atoms and molecules | |
ST2_09 | Optics, non-linear optics and nano-optics | |
ST2_10 | Quantum optics and quantum information | |
ST2_11 | Lasers, ultrashort pulses and laser physics | |
ST2_12 | Relativity and gravitation | |
ST2_13 | Thermodynamics | |
ST2_14 | Non-linear phenomena | |
ST2_15 | Metrology and measurement methods | |
ST2_16 | Statistical physics (gases) | |
ST2_17 | Complex systems | |
ST2_18 | Acoustics | |
ST2_19 | Foundations of physics, mathematical physics | |
ST2_20 | Other related subjects | |
ST3 | Condensed matter physics | structure, electronic properties, fluids, nanosciences, biological physics |
ST3_01 | Structure of solids, material growth and characterisation | |
ST3_02 | Mechanical and acoustical properties of condensed matter, lattice dynamics | |
ST3_03 | Transport properties of condensed matter | |
ST3_04 | Electronic properties of materials, surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures, etc. | |
ST3_05 | Physical properties of semiconductors and insulators | |
ST3_06 | Macroscopic quantum phenomena: superconductivity, superfluidity, etc. | |
ST3_07 | Spintronics | |
ST3_08 | Magnetism and strongly correlated systems | |
ST3_09 | Condensed matter interactions with beams of photons, electrons, etc. | |
ST3_10 | Nanophysics: nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomagnetism, nanoelectromechanics, etc. | |
ST3_11 | Mesoscopic physics | |
ST3_12 | Molecular electronics | |
ST3_13 | Structure and dynamics of disordered systems, soft matter, etc. | |
ST3_14 | Fluid dynamics (physics) | |
ST3_15 | Statistical physics of condensed matter, phase transitions, noise and fluctuations, etc. | |
ST3_16 | Physics of biological systems | |
ST3_17 | Other related subjects | |
ST4 | Chemistry | physical chemistry/chemical physics, theoretical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry |
ST4_01 | Physical chemistry, chemical physics | |
ST4_02 | Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques | |
ST4_03 | Molecular architecture and structure | |
ST4_04 | Theoretical and computational chemistry | |
ST4_05 | Analytical chemistry | |
ST4_06 | Instrumental methods in chemistry | |
ST4_07 | Electrochemistry, microfluidics in chemistry, sensors | |
ST4_08 | Photochemistry | |
ST4_09 | Catalysis | |
ST4_10 | Colloid chemistry | |
ST4_11 | Chemical reactions: mechanisms, thermodynamics, kinetics | |
ST4_12 | Radiation and nuclear chemistry | |
ST4_13 | Environmental chemistry | |
ST4_14 | Inorganic chemistry | |
ST4_15 | Physical chemistry of biological systems | |
ST4_16 | Other related subjects | |
ST5 | Synthetic Chemistry and Materials Science | new materials and new synthetic approaches, structure-properties relations, solid state chemistry, molecular architecture, organic and bioorganic chemistry |
ST5_01 | Structural properties of materials | |
ST5_02 | Solid-state materials | |
ST5_03 | Surface modification | |
ST5_04 | Thin films | |
ST5_05 | Polymer materials | |
ST5_06 | Porous materials, ceramics, glasses | |
ST5_07 | Composites, organic-inorganic hybrid materials, etc. | |
ST5_08 | Biomaterials, biocompatible materials | |
ST5_09 | New emerging materials | |
ST5_10 | Coordination and supramolecular chemistry | |
ST5_11 | Macromolecular chemistry | |
ST5_12 | Polymer chemistry | |
ST5_13 | Organic chemistry | |
ST5_14 | Biological chemistry | |
ST5_15 | Medicinal chemistry | |
ST5_16 | Ionic liquids | |
ST5_17 | Other related subjects | |
ST6 | Computer science and informatics | informatics and information systems, computer science, scientific computing, intelligent systems |
ST6_01 | Computer architecture, ubiquitous computing | |
ST6_02 | Computer systems, parallel/distributed systems, sensor networks, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems | |
ST6_03 | Software engineering, operating systems, software development methods, programming languages | |
ST6_04 | Formal methods, foundations of computer science, including theoretical computer science, quantum information science | |
ST6_05 | Cryptology, information security and privacy | |
ST6_06 | Algorithms, parallel, distributed and network algorithms, algorithmic game theory | |
ST6_07 | Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi-agent systems | |
ST6_08 | Computer graphics, image processing, computer vision, multimedia, computer games | |
ST6_09 | Human computer interaction, speech recognition and synthesis, natural language processing | |
ST6_10 | Web and information systems, database systems, internet technologies, including information retrieval and digital libraries | |
ST6_11 | Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g. speech, image, video) | |
ST6_12 | Scientific computing, simulation and modelling tools | |
ST6_13 | Bioinformatics, biocomputing, DNA and molecular computation | |
ST6_14 | Other related subjects | |
ST7 | Systems Engineering | i.e. electrical, electronic, optical, communication, biomedical, robotic systems |
ST7_01 | Control engineering in automation and robotics, biocybernetics | |
ST7_02 | Electrical engineering: power components and/or systems | |
ST7_03 | Simulation engineering and modelling | |
ST7_04 | (Micro-, nano-, bionic-) engineering, biosensing systems | |
ST7_05 | Micro- and nanoelectronic, optoelectronic and photonic components | |
ST7_06 | Communication technology, high-frequency technology | |
ST7_07 | Signal processing and analysis, biomeasurements, bioimaging | |
ST7_08 | Communication networks, telemedicine | |
ST7_09 | Man-machine interfaces | |
ST7_10 | Hardware implementation of algorithms | |
ST7_11 | Electronic, optoelectronic and photonic components and systems for applications (e.g. in biomedical engineering) | |
ST7_12 | Electrical energy production, distribution and application | |
ST7_13 | Other related subjects | |
ST8 | Production and processes engineering | i.e. chemical-, civil-, environmental-, mechanical-, biomechanical-, energy-, transport-, biological- processes and models) |
ST8_01 | Chemical engineering, technical chemistry, environmental engineering, sanitary engineering, engineering of chemical processes | |
ST8_02 | Maritime/hydraulic/water engineering, civil engineering, aerospace engineering | |
ST8_03 | Computational engineering, computer-aided modelling, design and manufacturing | |
ST8_04 | Fluid mechanics, technical thermodynamics | |
ST8_05 | Power systems (production, distribution) | |
ST8_06 | Mechatronics, biomechatronics, precision mechanics | |
ST8_07 | Machine design (modelling, shaping, machining) | |
ST8_08 | Mechanics of solids, biomechanics | |
ST8_09 | Industrial design, design and manufacturing, product and device design, ergonomics, human-machine interaction | |
ST8_10 | Technical aspects of architecture, urban studies and spatial planning | |
ST8_11 | Production planning and control | |
ST8_12 | Technical aspects of transport | |
ST8_13 | Architectural acoustics | |
ST8_14 | Environmental engineering, e.g. sustainable design, waste and water treatment, recycling, regeneration or recovery of compounds, carbon capture & storage, clean technologies, chemical aspects of circular economy | |
ST8_15 | Bioengineering, artificial organs | |
ST8_16 | Other related subjects | |
ST9 | Astronomy and space science | astrophysics, astrochemistry, astrobiology, solar system, planetary systems, stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy, space science, instrumentation |
ST9_01 | Solar and interplanetary physics | |
ST9_02 | Planets and small bodies of the solar system | |
ST9_03 | Interstellar medium | |
ST9_04 | Formation of stars and planets | |
ST9_05 | Extrasolar planetary systems | |
ST9_06 | Astrobiology | |
ST9_07 | Stars and stellar systems | |
ST9_08 | The Galaxy | |
ST9_09 | Formation and evolution of galaxies | |
ST9_10 | Clusters of galaxies and large-scale structures of the Universe | |
ST9_11 | High energy and particle astrophysics: X-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays, neutrinos | |
ST9_12 | Relativistic astrophysics | |
ST9_13 | Dark matter, dark energy | |
ST9_14 | Gravitational-wave astronomy | |
ST9_15 | Cosmology | |
ST9_16 | Earth science with satellite techniques | |
ST9_17 | Large data bases: archiving, handling and analysis | |
ST9_18 | Observational and satellite techniques, telescopes, detectors | |
ST9_19 | Other related subjects | |
ST10 | Earth sciences | Earth system science, atmospheric sciences, climatology, geochemistry, geodesy, geoecology, geophysics, physical geography, geoinformatics, planetary geology, pedology, mining, chemical and physical oceanology, environmental protection |
ST10_01 | Chemistry and physics of the atmosphere, atmospheric pollution | |
ST10_02 | Climatology, meteorology, climate change | |
ST10_03 | Physics of the Earth's interior, seismology, geomagnetism, Earth’s gravity field | |
ST10_04 | Geochemistry, biogeochemistry | |
ST10_05 | Mineralogy, petrology, volcanology, economic geology | |
ST10_06 | Earth evolution, sedimentology, tectonics, regional geology, marine geology, planetary geology | |
ST10_07 | Geomorphology, cryosphere, global and regional changes of the Earth's landscape | |
ST10_08 | Paleontology, stratigraphy, geochronology | |
ST10_09 | Geophysics, geomechanics, geotechnical engineering, engineering geology, mining | |
ST10_10 | Hydrogeology, hydrology, water cycle, water pollution | |
ST10_11 | Marine physics and chemistry | |
ST10_12 | Geodesy, cartography, geographic information systems, Earth observations from space and by remote sensing | |
ST10_13 | Geoecosystem: atmosphere-morphosphere-lithosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, anthroposphere | |
ST10_14 | Soil science, soil pollution | |
ST10_15 | Paleoclimatology, paleoecology | |
ST10_16 | Changes/shaping and protection of the natural environment | |
ST11 | Materials Engineering | advanced materials development: performance enhancement, modelling, large-scale preparation, modification, tailoring, optimisation, novel and combined use of materials |
ST11_01 | Engineering of biomaterials, biomimetic, bioinspired and bio-enabled materials | |
ST11_02 | Engineering of metals and alloys | |
ST11_03 | Engineering of ceramics and glasses | |
ST11_04 | Engineering of polymers and plastics | |
ST11_05 | Engineering of composites and hybrid and functionally graded materials | |
ST11_06 | Engineering of carbon materials | |
ST11_07 | Engineering of metal oxides | |
ST11_08 | Engineering of alternative established or emergent materials | |
ST11_09 | Nanomaterials engineering, e.g. nanoparticles, nanoporous materials, 1D & 2D nanomaterials | |
ST11_10 | Soft materials engineering, e.g. gels, foams, colloids | |
ST11_11 | Porous materials engineering, e.g. covalentorganic, metal-organic, porous aromatic frameworks | |
ST11_12 | Semi-conducting and magnetic materials engineering | |
ST11_13 | Metamaterials engineering | |
ST11_14 | Computational methods for materials engineering | |
ST11_15 | Surface engineering | |
ST11_16 | Other related subjects |
NZ – Life Sciences
ID | NCN Panel name | Disciplines |
NZ1 | Molecules of Life: Biological Mechanisms, Structures and Functions | For all organisms: Molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, molecular biophysics, synthetic and chemical biology, drug design, innovative methods and modelling |
NZ1_01 | Macromolecular complexes including interactions involving nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates | |
NZ1_02 | Biochemistry | |
NZ1_03 | DNA and RNA biology | |
NZ1_04 | Protein biology | |
NZ1_05 | Lipid biology | |
NZ1_06 | Glycobiology | |
NZ1_07 | Molecular biophysics, biomechanics, bioenergetics | |
NZ1_08 | Structural biology | |
NZ1_09 | Molecular mechanisms of signaling processes | |
NZ1_10 | Synthetic biology | |
NZ1_11 | Chemical biology | |
NZ1_12 | Protein design | |
NZ1_13 | Early translational research and drug design | |
NZ1_14 | Innovative methods and modelling in molecular, structural and synthetic biology | |
NZ2 | Integrative Biology: from Genes and Genomes to Systems | For all organisms: Genetics, epigenetics, genomics and other ‘omics studies, bioinformatics, systems biology, genetic diseases, gene editing, innovative methods and modelling, ‘omics for personalized medicine |
NZ2_01 | Genetics | |
NZ2_02 | Gene editing | |
NZ2_03 | Epigenetics | |
NZ2_04 | Gene regulation | |
NZ2_05 | Genomics | |
NZ2_06 | Metagenomics | |
NZ2_07 | Transcriptomics | |
NZ2_08 | Proteomics | |
NZ2_09 | Metabolomics | |
NZ2_10 | Glycomics/Lipidomics | |
NZ2_11 | Bioinformatics and computational biology | |
NZ2_12 | Biostatistics | |
NZ2_13 | Systems biology | |
NZ2_14 | Genetic diseases | |
NZ2_15 | Integrative biology for personalized medicine | |
NZ2_16 | Innovative methods and modelling in integrative biology | |
NZ3 | Cellular, Developmental and Regenerative Biology | For all organisms: Structure and function of the cell, cell-cell communication, embryogenesis, tissue differentiation, organogenesis, growth, development, evolution of development, organoids, stem cells, regeneration, development of therapeutic approaches |
NZ3_01 | Cell cycle, cell division and growth | |
NZ3_02 | Cell senescence, cell death, autophagy, cell ageing | |
NZ3_03 | Cell behavior, including control of cell shape, cell migration | |
NZ3_04 | Cell junctions, cell adhesion, the extracellular matrix, cell communication | |
NZ3_05 | Cell signaling and signal transduction, exosome biology | |
NZ3_06 | Organelle biology, trafficking and communication | |
NZ3_07 | Mechanobiology of cells, tissues and organs | |
NZ3_08 | Embryogenesis, pattern formation, morphogenesis | |
NZ3_09 | Cell differentiation, formation of tissues and organs | |
NZ3_10 | Developmental genetics | |
NZ3_11 | Evolution of developmental strategies | |
NZ3_12 | Organoids | |
NZ3_13 | Stem cells | |
NZ3_14 | Regeneration | |
NZ3_15 | Development of cell-based therapeutic approaches for tissue regeneration | |
NZ3_16 | Functional imaging of cells and tissues | |
NZ3_17 | Theoretical modelling in cellular, developmental and regenerative biology | |
NZ4 | Physiology in Health, Disease and Ageing | For human and animal studies: Organ and tissue physiology, comparative physiology, physiology of ageing, pathophysiology, interorgan and tissue communication, endocrinology, nutrition, metabolism, interaction with the microbiome, non-communicable diseases including cancer (and except disorders of the nervous system and immunity-related diseases) |
NZ4_01 | Organ and tissue physiology and pathophysiology | |
NZ4_02 | Comparative physiology | |
NZ4_03 | Physiology of ageing (except nervous system) | |
NZ4_04 | Endocrinology | |
NZ4_05 | Non-hormonal mechanisms of inter-organ and tissue communication | |
NZ4_06 | Microbiome and host physiology | |
NZ4_07 | Nutrition and exercise physiology | |
NZ4_08 | Impact of stress (including environmental stress) on physiology | |
NZ4_09 | Metabolism and metabolic disorders, including diabetes and obesity | |
NZ4_10 | The cardiovascular system and cardiovascular diseases | |
NZ4_11 | Hematopoiesis and blood diseases | |
NZ4_12 | Cancer | |
NZ4_13 | Other non-communicable diseases (except disorders of the nervous system and immunity-related diseases) | |
NZ5 | Neuroscience and Disorders of the Nervous System | For human and animal studies: Nervous system development, homeostasis and ageing, nervous system function and dysfunction, systems neuroscience and modelling, biological basis of cognitive processes and of behavior, neurological and mental disorders |
NZ5_01 | Neuronal cells | |
NZ5_02 | Glial cells and neuronal-glial communication | |
NZ5_03 | Neural development and related disorders | |
NZ5_04 | Neural stem cells | |
NZ5_05 | Neural networks and plasticity | |
NZ5_06 | Neurovascular biology and blood-brain barrier | |
NZ5_07 | Sensory systems, sensation and perception, including pain | |
NZ5_08 | Neural basis of behavior | |
NZ5_09 | Neural basis of cognition | |
NZ5_10 | Ageing of the nervous system | |
NZ5_11 | Neurological and neurodegenerative disorders | |
NZ5_12 | Mental disorders | |
NZ5_13 | Nervous system injuries and trauma, stroke | |
NZ5_14 | Repair and regeneration of the nervous system | |
NZ5_15 | Neuroimmunology, neuroinflammation | |
NZ5_16 | Systems and computational neuroscience | |
NZ5_17 | Imaging in neuroscience | |
NZ5_18 | Innovative methods and tools for neuroscience | |
NZ6 | Immunity, Infection and Immunotherapy | The immune system, related disorders and their mechanisms, biology of infectious agents and infection, biological basis of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, innovative immunological tools and approaches, including therapies |
NZ6_01 | Innate immunity | |
NZ6_02 | Adaptive immunity | |
NZ6_03 | Regulation of the immune response | |
NZ6_04 | Immune-related diseases | |
NZ6_05 | Biology of pathogens (e.g., bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) | |
NZ6_06 | Infectious diseases | |
NZ6_07 | Mechanisms of infection | |
NZ6_08 | Biological basis of prevention and treatment of infection | |
NZ6_09 | Antimicrobials, antimicrobial resistance | |
NZ6_10 | Vaccine development | |
NZ6_11 | Innovative immunological tools and approaches, including therapies | |
NZ7 | Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Diseases | Medical technologies and tools for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases, therapeutic approaches and interventions, pharmacology, preventative medicine, epidemiology and public health, digital medicine |
NZ7_01 | Medical imaging for prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of diseases | |
NZ7_02 | Medical technologies and tools (including genetic tools and biomarkers) for prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of diseases | |
NZ7_03 | Nanomedicine | |
NZ7_04 | Regenerative medicine | |
NZ7_05 | Applied gene, cell and immune therapies | |
NZ7_06 | Other medical therapeutic interventions, including transplantation | |
NZ7_07 | Pharmacology and toxicology | |
NZ7_08 | Effectiveness of interventions, including resistance to therapies | |
NZ7_09 | Public health and epidemiology | |
NZ7_10 | Preventative and prognostic medicine | |
NZ7_11 | Environmental health, occupational medicine | |
NZ7_12 | Health care, including care for the ageing population | |
NZ7_13 | Palliative medicine | |
NZ7_14 | Digital medicine, e-medicine, medical applications of artificial intelligence | |
NZ7_15 | Medical ethics | |
NZ8 | Environmental Biology, Ecology and Evolution | For all organisms: Ecology, biodiversity, environmental change, evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology, microbial ecology, marine biology, ecophysiology, theoretical developments and modelling |
NZ8_01 | Ecosystem and community ecology, macroecology | |
NZ8_02 | Biodiversity | |
NZ8_03 | Conservation biology | |
NZ8_04 | Population biology, population dynamics, population genetics | |
NZ8_05 | Biological aspects of environmental change, including climate change | |
NZ8_06 | Evolutionary ecology | |
NZ8_07 | Evolutionary genetics | |
NZ8_08 | Phylogenetics, systematics, comparative biology | |
NZ8_09 | Macroevolution and paleobiology | |
NZ8_10 | Ecology and evolution of species interactions | |
NZ8_11 | Behavioral ecology and evolution | |
NZ8_12 | Microbial ecology and evolution | |
NZ8_13 | Marine biology and ecology | |
NZ8_14 | Ecophysiology, from organisms to ecosystems | |
NZ8_15 | Theoretical developments and modelling in environmental biology, ecology, and evolution | |
NZ9 | Biotechnology and Biosystems Engineering | Biotechnology using all organisms, biotechnology for environment and food applications, applied plant and animal sciences, bioengineering and synthetic biology, biomass and biofuels, biohazards |
NZ9_01 | Bioengineering for synthetic and chemical biology | |
NZ9_02 | Applied genetics, gene editing and transgenic organisms | |
NZ9_03 | Bioengineering of cells, tissues, organs and organisms | |
NZ9_04 | Microbial biotechnology and bioengineering | |
NZ9_05 | Fundamentals of biotechnology, bioengineering, and food technology | |
NZ9_06 | Marine biotechnology and bioengineering | |
NZ9_07 | Environmental biotechnology and bioengineering | |
NZ9_08 | Applied plant sciences, plant breeding, agroecology and soil biology | |
NZ9_09 | Plant pathology and pest resistance | |
NZ9_10 | Veterinary and applied animal sciences | |
NZ9_11 | Biomass production and utilization, biofuels | |
NZ9_12 | Ecotoxicology, biohazards and biosafety |