Mon, 11/23/2020 - 13:28

For almost ten years of NCN’s operation, the members of the NCN Council appointed to support high-quality research in Poland and create transparent standards for research funding have taken good care to make sure that funding decisions are taken primarily on the basis of scientific excellence that integrates various types of research in terms of subject, methodology and environment. The peer-review of proposals submitted to the call, applied by the National Science Centre based on the world standards that have proven successful, ensures equal treatment of representatives of all academic disciplines and respect for their research results while at the same time respecting human rights and ensuring independent research.

The members of the NCN Council are convinced that this is the only way to ensure the development of strong and independent research so needed in view of the challenges and crises facing Poland and the world today. The NCN Council hereby unanimously declare their intention to continue to act in such a way as to ensure apolitical research in Poland.