We have just published the first ranking list of the MINIATURA 5 call, under which researchers can request funding for preliminary and pilot studies, library and archive search, fellowships and research visits or consultations. 58 individual research activities, with a total budget of more than 2.3 million PLN, were recommended for funding based on the decision of NCN experts.
Funding under individual panels:
- arts, humanities, social sciences: 18 activities with a total budget of 541,761 PLN
- physical sciences and engineering: 18 activities with a total budget of 740,827 PLN
- life sciences: 22 activities with a total budget of 1,051,860 PLN
The main objective of the MINIATURA call is to finance research activities conducted for the purposes of a future research project that will be submitted under an NCN call or other domestic and international calls for proposals. The fifth edition offers grants from 5,000 PLN to 50,000 to fund preliminary or pilot studies, library and archive search, fellowships, research visits or consultations to be carried out over a period of up to 12 months. The call is open to researchers who earned their PhD no earlier than on 1 January 2009, have never conducted an NCN-funded research project, and whose scientific achievements include at least one published paper or at least one artistic achievement or achievement in research in art.
One of the winners of MINIATURA 5 is Dr Emilia Bogacka from the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań, who will use her grant to conduct a preliminary study entitled “Determinants of the sense of personal safety of women as users of public transportation”. The researcher will look into the fears experienced by women at bus stops and inside the means of public transportation in Poznań, which are a frequent crime site. The analysis will lay the groundwork for a future project that will also include other cities and contribute to the development of research into Polish social geography and, in particular, the geography of crime.
A subject related to the female gender will also be tackled under MINIATURA 5 by Dr Maciej Kałaska from the University of Warsaw during his research fellowship at ICTA-AUB in Barcelona. The goal of this practicum at a Spanish university will be to develop an indicator to measure the empowerment of women in studies on environmental justice. This will allow the obstacles that prevent women from acquiring the power needed to engage in environmental activism to be identified and work out the strategies to neutralize these setbacks. The knowledge and experience gained during the fellowship will contribute to developing the theoretical and analytical framework of a project that is scheduled for submission to the NCN at the end of 2022.
The proposals are accepted on a rolling basis until 30 September 2021.
The total budget of MINIATURA 5 equals 22 million PLN. The resources are being successively and proportionally distributed throughout the entire call and the proposal may be recommended for funding only as long as there are enough funds in the pool of resources slated for a given month. Since a lot of proposals are often submitted in the last month of the call, we urge you not to postpone your decision to participate in MINIATURA until the last moment.
Service of decisions
On 16 August 2021, the NCN will dispatch the positive and the negative decisions for calls submitted under MINIATURA 5 in May.
The justifications are available in the ZSUN/OSF system. Please check the status of your proposal in the ZSUN/OSF system and your Electronic Correspondence Register (ESP ePUAP).
We remind you that the decisions are served on the applicant in electronic form to the ESP ePUAP address indicated in the proposal. If you have not received a decision, please make sure that the address listed in the proposal is correct. If it is not, contact the NCN officer in charge of the proposal indicated in the ZSUN/OSF system.