Mon, 10/18/2021 - 13:30
Kod CSS i JS

Before long, 130 more researchers from research centres throughout Poland will embark on their preliminary research, pilot studies, library research, research fellowships and study trips thanks to the funding awarded by the NCN under the MINIATURA 5 scheme. The total budget of all newly selected research activities stands at nearly 5 million PLN.

Some of the qualified projects will tackle women’s themes, e.g. the images of femininity in masculinised work environments on the example of female professionals in selected uniformed services (police, prison service and border guard). Others will look into medicine and study, e.g. the impact of vitamin D on the action of molecular-targeted drugs in the human melanoma model, or tackle the social repercussions of COVID-19, e.g. professional burnout and job commitment among nurses in the final phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. A complete list of subjects addressed by all the qualified research activities is included with the ranking list.

Funding awarded under individual panels:

  • arts, humanities and social sciences: 39 activities with a total budget of 919,889 PLN
  • physical sciences and engineering: 45 activities with a total budget of 1,731,116 PLN
  • life sciences: 46 activities with a total budget of 2,185,628 PLN

Ranking list


The objective of the MINIATURA call is to finance individual research activities conducted for the purposes of preparing a future research project to be submitted under an NCN call or other domestic and international calls for proposals. The fifth edition offered grants from 5,000 to 50,000 PLN for research activities lasting up to 12 months. The call was open to researchers who earned their PhD no earlier than on 1 January 2009, have never conducted an NCN-funded research project, and whose scientific achievements include at least one published paper or at least one artistic achievement or achievement in research in art. The total budget of MINIATURA 5 was 22 million PLN; proposals were accepted until the end of September. They are assessed by experts within 4 months from submission and new ranking lists of qualified projects are published every month.


Today, we will dispatch positive and negative decisions for calls submitted under MINIATURA 5 in July. Please remember that the decisions are sent electronically to the ESP ePUAP address indicated in the proposal. If you do not receive a decision, please make sure that the ESP address listed in your proposal is correct. If not, contact the person in charge of the proposal, as indicated in the ZSUN/OSF system.