151 scientists from 41 countries applied in the POLONEZ BIS 1 call to conduct their research projects in host institutions across Poland.
The call attracted 40 (26%) proposals in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 83 (55%) in Physical Sciences and Engineering, and 28 (19%) in Life Sciences. 48 million PLN (around €11 million) from the NCN and European Commission are available under this call to fund researchers’ mobility in all areas of science.
The proposals will now undergo an eligibility check, after which they will be evaluated by independent international experts and reviewers. The results of the call will be known at the beginning of June 2022.
We may be contacting the applicants during the eligibility check and at the end of each evaluation stage, so please check your mailboxes for messages from the NCN.
If you have missed the first call, we encourage you to apply for POLONEZ BIS 2, scheduled to open on 15 March 2022.
The POLONEZ BIS Coordination Team is at your disposal for any questions: do not hesitate to contact us at polonez@ncn.gov.pl