Wed, 02/08/2023 - 10:20
Kod CSS i JS

The first episode of NCN podcasts is called “Men and Women in Science”. We are launching a series of talks about important issues facing the scientific community and science in Poland. The first podcast has already been broadcasted via streaming platforms.

The next episodes will feature researchers from various academic centres in Poland, NCN staff and members of the NCN Council. In the serious of talks (“Science is All About People”), we will discuss, inter alia, the operation of our institution, research funding and support for internationalisation of science. New episodes will be broadcasted once a month.

The first episode dedicated to equal chances for men and women featured current and previous members of the NCN Council: Dr hab. Joanna Golińska-Pilarek, Prof. Monika Kaczmarek, Prof. Jacek Kuźnicki, Prof. Justyna Olko, Dr hab. Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz and Prof. Teresa Zielińska.

The Report on Men and Women in Science published by the National Science Centre in 2022 served as a starting point for the talks. The Report was drafted by the Evaluation Team and Committee of Research Activity Analysis of the National Science Centre based on a survey involving nearly 6,000 researchers from all over Poland.

“We have already done a lot and almost everyone has gender equality plans in place but I personally still feel some lack of understanding of equal opportunities for men and women across the scientific community” says Monika Kaczmarek.

The podcast guests have discussed the mechanisms for positive increase of female participation in science and decision-making groups and processes. Guests have shared their ideas and suggestions on how to support equal chances for men and women in science allowing researchers to balance their family and professional life.

Podcast host: Anna Korzekwa-Józefowicz.

Listen to our podcast!


Apple Podcast

The next episode of our podcast will be broadcasted at the beginning of March. We will talk about how to draft a good proposal and receive an NCN grant.

Our first podcast was broadcasted on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February).

This week, we will present out winners and their projects on social media.

On 10 February, we will participate in a conference  (“Scientific Excellence Has No Gender”) organised by the Polish Young Academy PAS. The conference will be streamed online.