Wed, 05/24/2023 - 14:15
Kod CSS i JS

47 projects with a total budget of 48.1 million PLN will be carried out by researchers from all over the world. They will move to Poland under the POLONEZ BIS 3 call.

230 proposals were submitted to the recently concluded third call under the POLONEZ BIS Programme. Following the eligibility check and merit-based evaluation performed by international experts and reviewers, 47 projects were recommended for funding. The call’s success rate is 20.4%. The NCN will fund 23 (49%) projects in Physical Sciences and Engineering, 12 (25.5%) in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and 12 (25.5%) in Life Sciences.

Scientists awarded funding under the POLONEZ BIS 3 call will come to Poland from India, USA, United Kingdom, Italy, Singapore, Sweden, Israel, Estonia, Turkey, Czechia, Australia, etc.. The National Science Centre and the European Commission have allocated a total of 48.1 million PLN for projects funded under the call.

Ranking list

Ranking list (PDF)

Service of Decisions

On 24 May 2023, the funding decisions will be sent to the applicants whose proposals have been evaluated in the second stage of evaluation.

NCN Director's decisions  are served to the e-mail address provided in the proposal or to the Electronic Delivery Box (ESP ePUAP), if provided. .

A message sent from ncn.wnioski (at) contains a link from which the NCN Director’s decision can be downloaded. The message is generated automatically. Do not reply to this message. If you have any problems with accessing the document, please contact the POLONEZ BIS Team at polonez (at)

You can also see the status of your proposal in the OSF submission system.