Thu, 06/22/2023 - 15:38
Kod CSS i JS

Organised within the framework of the EOSC Focus project, the roundtable debate was held at 1:30-3:00 pm on 22 June 2023 at the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center in Poznań. The event had a hybrid format, connecting onsite and online participants.

The chief purpose was to encourage cross-border cooperation, explore new opportunities for maximising synergy in the pursuit of EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) goals and establish a regional community of practitioners working to foster EOSC growth. The participation of organisations that carry out the EOSC mission was very important and created an opportunity to synchronise different regional efforts, facilitated the sharing of ideas and experiences between stakeholders, including national authorities, and offered a variety of perspectives on regional involvement.

The event kicked off with an opening address by Ignacio Blanquer, EOSC Association Board Member, which served as a springboard for further debate. Following his address, the floor was given to seven countries: Poland, Latvia, Slovakia, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria and Georgia, including delegates from authorised organisations and public authorities. The debate centred on different EOSC implementation policies and practices, the synergy between countries, as well as current cross-border cooperation and opportunities for joint initiatives in the future.

By supporting interactions based on cooperation and regional specialist knowledge, the EOSC-Focus roundtable was designed to foster the commitment of participating countries to joint action. Thanks to constructive discussions and idea sharing, the event will hopefully bring valuable results and promote future cooperation to tap the full potential of the EOSC initiative.

The event was organised within the framework of EOSC Day Poland