Mon, 07/24/2023 - 13:00
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55 researchers from all over Poland will each complete a single research task, such as a preliminary/pilot study, library or archive search, research fellowship or research/consultation trip, thanks to more than 2 million zlotys in research funding from the NCN. Check out the third ranking list of the MINIATURA 7 call, this time for proposals submitted in April.

In this round of MINIATURA 7, the life sciences panel attracted the largest number of successful proposals, with grants awarded to as many as 24 scientists. Some of these will tackle growing antibiotic resistance. At the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Dr inż. Ilona Foik is all set to conduct a preliminary/pilot study on the role of free-floating extracellular DNA and cathelicidin in bacterial response to antibiotics used in the treatment of polymicrobial UTIs. Dr Leszek Kadziński from the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education will work on phage therapies, i.e. therapies that rely on bacteriophages (viruses that only attack bacteria) to combat bacterial infections. Specifically, he will turn his attention to what he terms the “silica shield” and strive to enhance the stability and efficacy of endolysins produced by bacteriophages through their entrapment in silica composites.

Under the art, humanities and social sciences panel, grants were awarded to 17 researchers. Their research problems include, e.g. stressful situations and circumstances in our lives and our coping strategies. For instance, Dr Paweł Ziemiański from the Gdańsk University of Technology, will study the negative aspects of commitment to business activities among start-up founders, while Dr Krzysztof Stanisławski from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw will use his MINIATURA grant to develop and validate a situational version of the Coping Circumplex Inventory (CCI), his own original solution that integrates different variables to describe various stress-coping strategies.

Experts in the MINIATURA 7 call also selected 14 winners in physical sciences and engineering. Dr inż. Katarzyna Witt from the Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology will attempt to synthesise new water-insoluble β-ketoimines from sβ-diketone and aminosilane derivatives that would be able to bind metal ions from aqueous solutions. Dr Andrzej Giza from the University of Szczecin will conduct a pilot study on the impact of sea storms on seasonal changes in benthic habitats (i.e. those related to the sea floor) and coastal morphology.

Ranking lists (in Polish)

List No. 3 (in Polish)

Funding per panel:

  • Art, Humanities and Social Sciences – PLN 408,042
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering – PLN 627,448
  • Life Sciences – PLN 1,054,222

The total budget of projects that made the cut for the third MINIATURA 7 ranking list amounts to over 2,089,712 PLN.

About the MINIATURA 7 call

The main objective of the call is to finance research activities carried out in preparation for future research projects that will be submitted to NCN calls for proposals, as well as other domestic and international calls. Researchers can apply for funding from PLN 5,000 to PLN 50,000 PLN for a research activity planned over a period of up to 12 months. The call is open to PhD holders who earned their degree no earlier than 1 January 2011 (except in cases specified in the terms and conditions of the call). They need to be employed by the host institution and demonstrate a research record of at least one published paper or at least one achievement in art or art research.

Funds for research activities carried out under the MINIATURA 7 call are divided proportionally to the number of months during which proposals are accepted. In this edition, proposals may be submitted until 4 pm, 31 July 2023.

Remember that funding decisions are sent to the ESP ePUAP address indicated in the proposal. If you have not received a decision, please make sure that the address listed in the proposal is correct. If not, contact the person in charge of handling the proposal, as indicated in the OSF system.