Since one of the winners of POLONEZ BIS 1 and three winners of POLONEZ BIS 3 decided not to pursue their projects in the end, we will be able to fund projects currently on the waiting list. A positive funding decision has just been issued for two more projects in Art, Humanities and Social Sciences, and one each in Physical Sciences and Engineering, and Life Sciences.
Dr Tom Whyman, qualified under POLONEZ BIS 1, will join the Jagiellonian University to explore the concept of human “natality” in the philosophy of Hannah Arendt in the context of climate action and the education of future generations in the spirit of climate change prevention. Among the three additional projects to be funded under POLONEZ BIS 3, Dr Cillian Ó Fathaigh (Jagiellonian University) will focus on the role of digital public space in the expression and recognition of injustice. Another researcher, Dr Leila Elyasi, will work at the M. Mossakowski Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, PAS, studying the regenerative potential of baby teeth stem cells in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Last but not least, Disha Disha will join the Institute of Physical Chemistry, PAS, to work on developing carbon dot heterostructures from biowaste and metal-organic skeletons to build a platform for printed biosensors.
Check out the supplementary POLONEZ BIS 1 and POLONEZ BIS 3 lists
POLONEZ BIS 1 and POLONEZ BIS 3 waiting lists were approved by expert teams and include projects that could not be funded due to the funding limits established by the NCN Council for projects under specific panels. The NCN issued negative funding decisions for such projects, with the caveat that they might be funded should another winner withdraw.
POLONEZ BIS 1 – supplementary list 1, supplementary list 2, suplementary list 3
POLONEZ BIS 3 – supplementary list 1