CHIST-ERA Call 2022 winners include three international research proposals submitted in cooperation with Polish researchers. Polish teams will get a total of more than 4 million zlotys in funding to pursue projects in the field of communication and information technologies.
The CHIST-ERA network awarded grants to a total of twelve international proposals submitted by teams from as many as 22 different countries. Eight fall under the “Security and Privacy in Decentralised and Distributed Systems (SpiDDS)” track, and four under “Machine Learning-based Communication Systems, towards Wireless AI, WAI”. Three projects include Polish teams; Poland is the leader of the international consortium in one and a member in the other two.
A Polish team headed by Dr hab. Marcin Pawłowski from the International Centre for the Theory of Quantum Technologies at the University of Gdańsk will coordinate a project entitled “MoDIC, Modern Device Independent Cryptography”. The purpose is to shore up the theoretical foundations of device independent quantum cryptography for practical applications. The researchers are planning to conduct new non-classicality tests, improve security proofs and develop new experimental configurations, working in cooperation with partners from Switzerland, France and Hungary. The Polish team will receive more than 2.3 million zlotys in funding from the NCN.
Prof. Hanna Bogucka from the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications of the Poznań University of Technology and her team will join Project PASSIONATE (“Physics-based Wireless AI Providing Scalability and Efficiency”), coordinated by Spain, in cooperation with partners from Finland, France, Luxembourg and Poland. The researchers will use machine learning and artificial intelligence in order to design wireless network architecture, integrating software-based solutions (algorithms and simulations) and equipment experiments (programmable radio devices). The budget of the Polish part of the project comes up to nearly 787 thousand zlotys.
The third Polish winner of CHIST-ERA Call 2022 is Dr hab. inż. Szymon Szott, who will head a team at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, working on a project entitled “MLDR: A Machine Learning-Driven Radio Interface”. The researchers will employ AI and machine-learning (AI/ML) techniques to boost the efficiency of next-generation wireless networks. The goal is to build a new machine learning-driven radio interface (MLDR), without the limitations of currently available wireless techniques. The research will be conducted by an international consortium led by Spain including, alongside Poland, partners from Finland and France. The Polish team will receive a total of nearly 871 thousand zlotys in funding.
CHIST-ERA Call 2022 was open to research proposals submitted by international consortia made up of at least three teams from at least three different participating countries. The PI of the Polish team had to have at least a PhD degree. Joint proposals were evaluated by two separate international expert teams, each appointed for one of the call’s two tracks: Security and Privacy in Decentralised and Distributed Systems (SPiDDS) and Machine Learning-based Communication Systems, towards Wireless AI (WAI).