Mon, 09/30/2024 - 10:30
Kod CSS i JS

During a special session on 28 September, the Council of Ministers approved a draft 2025 budget bill, which awards the NCN 50 million zlotys more than the original proposal.

On 28 September, the Council of Ministers adopted a new draft 2025 budget bill. Budget revenues will stand at PLN 632.85 billion, budget spending at PLN 921.6 billion and the deficit at PLN 288.77 billion.

The new draft bill differs from the proposal originally presented at the end of August. It includes financial support for the areas hardest hit by the flood that has recently swept over the south and southwest of Poland. A few corrections have also been made to some tasks in the budget and the reserves. One change involves a PLN 50 million increase in the NCN subsidy.

At present, the NCN budget stands at PLN 1.643 billion (of which 1.583 billion goes toward research funding). In the August version of the draft 2025 budget bill, the NCN was to receive PLN 1.648 billion, an amount nearly equal to what it has had at its disposal in 2024. Now, however, that sum has been increased to PLN 1.698 billion.

More information about the NCN budget can be found in Facts and Figures.

Information about the draft 2025 budget bill on the government website.

The NCN Council has recently issued two appeals: one for a PLN 300 million increase in spending on NCN-funded projects and another for a PLN 2 million increase in the NCN subsidy. The relevant bills were passed on 5 July and 5 September. The members of the Council stressed that the stable growth of research in Poland requires long-term increases in NCN funding.