Thu, 02/06/2025 - 11:03
Kod CSS i JS

On 30 January, an Information session was held with representatives of research funding organisations and ministries interested in participating in the European Partnership on Social Transformations and Resilience (STR). The initiative focuses on areas such as social protection, the future of work, education, and fair transition to climate neutrality. The coordination of the Partnership will be led by National Science Centre (NCN).

The European Partnership on Social Transformations and Resilience (STR) is one of the new initiatives proposed under Horizon Europe, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The goal of the Partnership is to address key societal challenges by launching calls for international research projects in the social sciences and humanities. The STR Partnership will also support the development of tools and policies in the following areas: modernising social protection systems and public services, shaping the future of work, fostering education and skills development, and ensuring a fair transition towards climate neutrality.

On 30 January, an online Information session about the candidate for the European Partnership on Social Transformations and Resilience took place. The session was attended by research funding organisations and ministries interested in joining the STR Partnership. During the event, participants were introduced to the objectives and framework of European Partnerships, as well as the priorities of the STR Partnership and its next steps.

During the meeting, it was officially announced that the STR Partnership will be coordinated by National Science Centre (NCN). In this role, NCN collaborates with the European Commission and European research funding organisations and ministries. The preparation phase includes the development of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and planning a roadmap of actions to achieve the Partnership’s objectives.

The STR Partnership represents a significant step towards strengthening societal resilience and supporting social transformations across Europe.

For more information about the STR Partnership, please visit:

For the Polish research community, NCN’s coordination of the Partnership presents an opportunity to contribute to the development of future calls and the core principles of the initiative, ensuring that Polish priorities are also taken into account. We previously covered this in the article NCN to lead a European partnership..