JPND (EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research) is the largest global research initiative aimed at tackling the challenge of neurodegenerative diseases. JPND aims to increase coordinated investment between participating countries in research aimed at finding causes, developing cures, and identifying appropriate ways to care for those with neurodegenerative diseases.
The neurodegenerative diseases that JPND focuses on are the following:
- Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias
- Parkinson’s disease (PD) and PD-related disorders
- Prion disease
- Motor neurone diseases (MND)
- Huntington’s Disease (HD)
- Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)
- Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
Among a wide range of actions in different areas related to neurodegenerative diseases, the instruments with which JPND carries out its research strategy agenda include calls for research projects that address the agenda’s thematic priorities. Up to date the NCN together with JPND network announced two calls for proposals on Neurodegenerative Diseases.
Calls for proposals
Health and social care research with a focus on the moderate and late stages of neurodegenerative diseases (open)
Mechanisms and measurement of disease progression in the early phase of neurodegenerative diseases (closed)
Large scale analysis of OMICS data for drug-target finding in neurodegenerative diseases (closed)
Understanding the mechanisms of non-pharmacological interventions (closed)
Linking pre-diagnosis disturbances of physiological systems to Neurodegenerative Diseases (closed)
Novel imaging and brain stimulation methods and technologies related to Neurodegenerative Diseases (closed)
Multinational research projects on Personalised Medicine for Neurodegenerative Diseases Neurodegenerative Diseases (closed)
The EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) initiative launched a new joint transnational call for multinational research projects on personalised medicine for neurodegenerative diseases. The call is launched in partnership with the European Commission and has a budget of ca. EUR 30 M.
Neurodegenerative diseases are debilitating and still largely untreatable conditions. They are characterised by a large variability in their origins, mechanisms and clinical expression. When searching for a medical solution, e.g. a treatment or an optimised approach for care, this large variability constitutes a major hurdle if not controlled. Indeed a treatment addressing one disease pathway may not be useful for all patients experiencing the relevant symptoms. Thus, one of the greatest challenges for treating neurodegenerative diseases is the deciphering of this variability.
The following neurodegenerative diseases are included in the call:
- Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
- Parkinson’s disease and PD‐related disorders
- Prion diseases
- Motor neuron diseases
- Huntington’s disease
- Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)
- Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
JPND has chosen to focus in the area of Precision Medicine, which relates to the targeting of specific elements responsible for pathology in a given individual at a particular point in time. It is an emerging approach for disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment that takes into account individual variability in genes, biological/molecular characteristics together with environmental and lifestyle factors.
Thus, the call focuses on Precision Medicine in the following research areas:
- Diagnosis (e.g. biomarkers, imaging data, omics approaches, big data analyses)
- Prevention (e.g. biomarkers for studying novel treatments and interventions, co-morbidities, digital technologies, stratification within cohort studies and clinical trials)
- Care (e.g. improvement of social and health care systems, molecular profiling, imaging, lifestyle data)
A two-stage application procedure (pre-proposals and full proposals) will be open for consortia composed of researchers from at least three countries participating in the call: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
All applicants are advised to check the relevant national eligibility criteria and requirements, as those provide important information, for instance on how to fill out the budget tables.
Draft timetable for applications:
- Deadline for pre-proposal submission: 12th March 2019, 15.00 CET
- Deadline for full proposal submission: 25th June 2019, 15.00 CET
- Submission deadline for UNISONO proposals for the participating Polish teams: 2nd July 2019, 23.59 CET.
- Notification of accepted proposals: October 2019
Projects duration: 24 or 36 months.
Call documents:
For more information please visit the call website:
Information for Polish applicants:
- We strongly encourage all applicants to read information on rules of participation and eligible costs included in the Annex to NCN Council’s Resolution on funding granted within calls for proposals for international research projects (UNISONO).
- At the pre-proposal stage Polish applicants are not required to send any additional documents to the NCN.
- Up to 7 days from the full proposal stage (no later than 2nd July 2019) Polish applicants must submit their national applications in the ZSUN/OSF submission system. The application will include a budget that should be calculated according to the Annex to NCN Council’s Resolution on funding granted within calls for proposals for international research projects (UNISONO).
- If one international project includes partners from two or more different Polish Host Institutions, these institutions apply as a group of projects. Each entity within the group has a separate budget, but the limit on the remuneration applies to the group as a whole (please see UNISONO). Please note that groups of projects have higher limits on the remuneration.
- Projects including Polish teams may last 24 or 36 months.
- Budget of the Polish part of the research project in the ZSUN/OSF system should be given in PLN: 1 EUR= 4,1733 PLN.
Call results
We are pleased to announce that three projects involving Polish researchers have been awarded funding in the JPco-fuND 2 call for multinational research projects on personalised medicine for neurodegenerative diseases. Within the JPco-fuND 2 over EUR 29,3 million have been granted to 18 research projects.
Complete list of the projects recommended for funding
JPco-fuND 2 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 825664.
Polish projects awarded within the call:
- NMJ-on-a-Chip: Humanized high-throughput co-culture system for motor neuron diseases. Polish Principal Investigator: prof. dr hab. Józef Dulak, Jagiellonian University in Cracow. The project will involve research teams from France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Netherlands
- OligoFIT: Oligomer-Focused Screening and Individualized Therapeutics to target Neurodegenerative Disorders. Polish Principal Investigator: dr Piotr Hańczyc, University of Warsaw. The project will involve research teams from Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Portugal, United Kingdom
- Gums&Brains: Alzheimer’s disease as a co-morbidity of chronic periodontitis with Porphyromonas gingivalis as a causative link between both diseases. Polish Principal Investigator: prof. dr hab. Jan Stanisław Potempa (Project Leader), Jagiellonian University in Cracow. The project will involve research teams from Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Norway
Congratulations to all the laureates.
European research projects for cross-disease analysis of pathways related to Neurodegenerative Diseases (closed)
There is clinical, genetic and biochemical evidence that similar molecular pathways are relevant in different neurodegenerative and other chronic diseases. Therefore, clinical phenotypes alone seem insufficient to provide an understanding of the underlying mechanisms involved, and to be the sole basis for prognosis and diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases.
The aim of the call is to establish a limited number of ambitious, innovative, multi-national and multi-disciplinary collaborative research projects that:
- combine experimental approaches from fundamental, pre-clinical and/or clinical with computational approaches
- perform network analyses in different neurodegenerative and other chronic diseases to elucidate the underlying mechanisms common and differing in the investigated diseases
- will add value to existing research by analysing diseases across traditional clinical boundaries, thereby gaining deeper understanding of the patho-physiological mechanisms of the diseases.
The following neurodegenerative diseases are included in the call:
- Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
- Parkinson’s disease and PD-related disorders
- Prion disease
- Motor neuron diseases
- Huntington’s disease
- Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)
- Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).
Research team: composed of research a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 groups of researchers from countries participating in this call
Countries participating in the call:
Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey
Project duration: up to 3 years
NCN budget for the call: € 300 000
Pre-proposal application deadline: 18th of February 2014
Full-proposal application deadline: 23rd of June 2014
Final results: October 2014
Call documents:
Country-specific details:
For more information please click here:
Polish project awarded within the call:
Polish PI:
- prof. Marek Cieplak, Institue of Physice, Polish Academy of Sciences
- dr Mariano Carrión-Vázquez – Proejct Leader, (CSIC, Spain),
- dr Damien Thompson (University of Limerick, Ireland)
The identification of genetic, epigenetic and environmental risk and protective factors for Neurodegenerative Diseases (closed)
It is widely perceived that a lack of knowledge regarding the causes of specific neurodegenerative diseases is one of the greatest unmet needs to be adDressed in ND research. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to better understand:
- the genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors that underlie an individual’s risk and resilience
- the triggering events leading to illness
- the relationship and interplay between these factors and their relative importance
- the role of potential environmental and behavioural modulators.
Research team: composed of research teams from at least 3 countries participating in the call
Countries participating in the call:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
Project duration: up to 3 years
NCN budget for the call: € 500 000
Application deadline: 19th of March 2013
Final results: June 2013
Call documents:
- Dr Jadwiga Spyrka,,
- Alicja Dyląg,,