Wed, 03/20/2019 - 13:47

We are pleased to announce that four projects involving Polish researchers have been awarded funding in the M-ERA.NET call for proposals. Within the M-ERA.NET Call 2018 over EUR 18,2 million have been granted to 27 research projects.

Complete list of the M-ERA.NET Call 2018 projects recommended for funding

A special word of congratulation is due to prof. Maria Bryszewska from the University of Lodz, the leader of the first Polish research team to coordinate an international M-ERA.NET  consortium ever since the NCN joined the programme.

Polish projects awarded within the call:

  1. NanoTENDO: Nanoparticle Transfer Through Endothelial Barrier. Polish Principal Investigator: prof. Maria Bryszewska (Project Leader), University of Łódź. Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection The project will involve research teams from Latvia and Spain.
  2. FunKeyCat: Functional Grading by Key doping in Catalytic electrodes for Proton Ceramic Cells. Polish Principal Investigator: dr Sebastian Wachowski, Gdańsk University of Technology; Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics. The project will involve research teams from Spain and Norway.
  3. NOEL: Innovative nanostructured electrodes for energy storage concepts. Polish Principal Investigator: prof. dr hab. czł. koresp. PAN Elżbieta Frąckowiak, Poznań University of Technology; Faculty of Chemical Technology. The project will involve research teams from Spain and Slovenia.
  4. HOTselflub: Self-lubricating systems for high temperature tribo-applications. Polish Principal Investigator: dr Agnieszka Tomala, Institute for Sustainable Technologies - National Research Institute. The project will involve research teams from Austria and Estonia.

Congratulations to all the laureates!