Fri, 11/18/2022 - 11:57
Kod CSS i JS

Dr Marta Kołczyńska from the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences will carry out a research project on political participation in the age of polarization under Weave-UNISONO. She has been awarded over 1.1 mln PLN for her research.

The project entitled “Political participation in the age of polarization” will be funded under Weave_UNISONO. Dr Marta Kołczyńska from the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences will receive over 1.1 mln PLN for her research carried out together with foreign partners. 

Under the Weave-UNISONO Programme, funding is granted for bilateral or trilateral research projects carried out jointly with research teams from Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium-Flanders and Poland.

Dr Kołczyńska’s project will be carried out in cooperation with research teams from Austria (Universität Salzburg) and Slovenia (Univerza v Mariboru). Researchers will address the question about who becomes motivated to participate in politics by an increasingly polarized political climate, and the possibility that increases in political polarization have positive consequences for democracy. Researchers are planning to collect new data in the three project partner countries (Austria, Poland, and Slovenia) via two types of surveys: a general population survey and surveys among participants in public demonstrations. In addition, they will conduct an analysis of existing survey data, including age-period-cohort analyses of time-series cross-section datasets.

Full ranking lists

Dr Kołczyńska’s project has been evaluated by the Austrian agency Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) acting as the lead agency.

Simplified procedures

Weave-UNISONO aims to simplify submission and selection procedures for research proposals that bring together researchers from two or three different European countries in any discipline of science. The selection process is based on the Lead Agency Procedure (LAP), under which only one partner institution is responsible for merit-based review.

Under Weave, partner research teams apply in parallel to their relevant domestic institutions. Their joint proposal must include a coherent research plan and clearly spell out the added value of international cooperation.

The Weave-UNISONO call accepts proposals on a rolling basis. Polish teams wishing to partner up with colleagues from Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium-Flanders are encouraged to carefully read the call announcement and submit their funding proposals.