Thu, 09/26/2024 - 09:00
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132 new researchers will now be able to pursue single research activities thanks to over 5 million zlotys in funding awarded under the MINIATURA 8 call. Here comes the fifth ranking list for proposals submitted in June.

Experts selected 38 researchers in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, who will investigate a range of issues related to our knowledge of the past, humanity and social life. Dr Hubert Mazur from the University of the National Education Commission in Krakow will conduct a library and archive research in the Polish state archives, investigating documents from the period of 1944-1951, while Dr Olga Witczak from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań is set to focus on boredom as a modulator of creativity in the alternative uses test, a measure of divergent creative thinking also known as the Guilford Test.

In Life Sciences, grants were awarded to 55 researchers, who will be working on projects in applied life sciences and cell biology. Dr Hanna Fuchs from the Institute of Dendrology, PAS, will conduct preliminary research on the interrelationship between the age of forest-forming tree species and their seed quality. Dr Małgorzata Jeziorek from the Medical University of Wrocław will study the efficacy of the LCHF (low-carbohydrate high-fat) diet in the treatment of lipoedema. Specifically, she will look at the levels of inflammatory tissue hormones, such as adiponectin, leptin, resistin, visfatin and vaspin.

In Physical Sciences and Engineering, 39 winners were selected. Some of these will work on chemistry and production process engineering. Dr Kinga Wzgarda-Raj from the University of Łódź will look into phenazine (a chemical compound used as a synthetic pain reliever) as an important crystal engineering material for biomedical applications, while Dr inż. Mateusz Brzęczek from the Silesian University of Technology will work on developing a new method of measuring the energy potential of wind farms in any geographical location.

Research activities recommended for funding on MINIATURA 8 Ranking List No 5

Ranking List No 5 in PDF format

Funding per panel:

  • Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – PLN1,154,742
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering – PLN1,431,598
  • Life Sciences – PLN 2,500,994

Total: PLN 5,087,334


The objective of the MINIATURA call is to finance research activities carried out in preparation for future research projects that will be submitted to NCN calls for proposals, as well as other domestic and international calls. Under MINIATURA 8, researchers could apply for funding from PLN 5,000 to PLN 50,000 for a research activity planned over a period of up to 12 months.

The total budget of this year’s call was PLN 20 million. Funds available for research activities were divided proportionally between the months during which proposals were accepted. A project could be qualified for funding only as long as there was enough funding available for a given month.

This round of the call, which is meant to fund preliminary/ pilot studies, library and archive searches, fellowships, research visits and/ or consultations, was open to PhD holders who had earned their degree no earlier than 1 January 2012 and had never served as principal investigators in a project funded by the National Science Centre. They had to demonstrate a research record of at least one paper published or at least one research achievement or achievement in research in art. They could not have been winning applicants of an ETIUDA call for doctoral scholarships or a call for fellowships funded by the NCN, or serve as applicants, principal investigators or fellowship candidates in proposals submitted or recommended for funding under other NCN calls.


Funding decisions for proposals submitted under MINIATURA 8 in June, will be sent out on 26 September 2024. Justifications are available in the OSF submission system, where you can also check the status of your proposal.

Decisions are delivered electronically to the ESP ePUAP address indicated in the proposal. If you have not received a decision, please make sure that the address provided in the proposal is correct. If it is not, contact the officer in charge of your proposal identified in the OSF submission system.