The National Science Centre together with the National Science Foundation (NSF), an American agency aiming to fund basic research, invites researchers to apply under the PIRE (Partnership for International Research and Education) funding opportunity.
Call documentation:
- PIRE call announcement
- Detailed information about PIRE
- NCN Panels and NSF Program Areas
- Eligibility criteria (UNISONO application)
- Eligible costs and the UNISONO application form
Under this call for proposals, applicants may submit projects involving basic research in subject areas included in the NCN Panels and NSF Program Areas, i.e.: Biological Sciences, Computer Sciences, ICT and Engineering, Education and Human Resources, Environmental Research and Education, Geosciences, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences.
The proposal must be submitted by a project leader – a researcher affiliated in a U.S. academic institution, who can invite researchers for collaboration based in countries participating in the PIRE programme.
Researchers based in Polish Host Institutions should abide by the rules included in NCN Council Resolution no. 56/2016 (UNISONO).
A project's duration may be: 24, 36, 48 or 60 months.
Partners from other countries should follow the regulations specified by the appropriate funding institutions included in the PIRE call announcement.
The budget of the Polish part of the project should be calculated according to the NCN eligibility criteria. We strongly encourage applicants to read the information regarding remunerations in projects funded by the NCN (UNISONO, p. 2-5).
The timetable for applications is:
- Deadline for submitting preliminary proposals: September 14 2016
- Shortlisted applicants to submit full proposals: April 24 2017
The budget for Polish research teams amounts to PLN 2 M.
At the full proposal stage, Polish applicants should submit the UNISONO application via the OSF submission system. The deadline is scheduled for the 25th of April 2017.
We invite all researchers who plan to apply under the PIRE call for proposals to contact the NCN.
dr Marcin Liana, tel. +48 12 341 9161
Anna Plater-Zyberk, tel. +48 12 341 9016