We are pleased to announce that a project involving Polish research team has been awarded funding in the call launched within the ERA-NET programme Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (EN-UAC) by the JPI Urban Europe network.
The EN-UAC Call 2019, launched in December 2019, covered the following topics:
- Evolving solutions for an integrated approach on sustainable urban physical mobility and transport, land use and digital connectivity;
- Develop and support the implementation of innovative mobility systems and services with a potential to contribute to sustainable urban mobility;
- Transform and re-organise urban spaces to pave the ground for sustainable urban mobility and accessibility at local level, from the street scale to the district;
- Develop effective policy options for achieving a shift towards sustainable urban accessibility and connectivity;
- Change behaviours and perspectives towards sustainable urban accessibility and connectivity.
Within the call, applicants have submitted 86 proposals. Over EUR 19 million have been granted to 15 research projects.
Project with Polish research team awarded within the EN-UAC Call 2019:
ITEM: Inclusive Transition towards Electric Mobility. The applicants: Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and Heksagon Research Sp. z o.o. Polish Principal Investigator: dr hab. Aleksandra Lis - Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The project will involve research teams from the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom.
The implementation of research projects funded within the call will start in early 2021.
More information and the full list of the projects recommended for funding are available on the JPI Urban Europe website.
Congratulations to the laureates!