Tue, 08/02/2022 - 08:37
Kod CSS i JS

Funding agreements that have been successfully delivered to NCN are currently waiting for the formal check. We would like to remind you that they will be signed by the NCN’s Director only after we receive a document confirming that the principal investigator/Polonez fellow has been employed by the host institution under the conditions defined in §2 (1-2) of the funding agreement (throughout the funding term under a full-time employment contract, solely for the purpose of performing research and training activities related to the POLONEZ BIS project’s implementation). 

The employment confirmation should be submitted in electronic form (signed with a qualified electronic signature in PAdES format by the representative of the host institution), to the address of National Science Centre’s Electronic Delivery Box: /ncn/SkrykrytkaESP, within 7 days of the day the fellow’s employment begins. Fellow’s employment for the purpose of POLONEZ BIS project must begin on the project start date.