We are announcing two calls for research proposals. 15 million zlotys are up for grabs under the SHENG 3 call for Polish teams involved in Polish-Chinese research projects, while young researchers have a chance to win a total of 20 million zlotys under SONATINA 7.
SONATINA 7 – supporting young researchers
The purpose of SONATINA 7 is to support entry-level researchers by providing them with full-time employment and research opportunities in Poland. In addition, SONATINA 7 also allows young scientists to complete a fellowship at a top foreign research centre of their choice. They can carry out basic or applied research projects of 2 or 3 years and the fellowships may last from 3 to 6 months.
The call is targeted at PhD holders who earned their degree after 31 December 2019 and PhD candidates who expect to earn their PhD by June 2023. It is also open to applicants who got their PhD degree earlier, but had career breaks related, e.g. to childbirth or adoption.
The budget of the call is 20 million zlotys.
Proposals may be submitted through the OSF system until 4 pm on 15 March 2023.
SHENG 3 – a call for Polish-Chinese research proposals
The international bilateral call for Polish-Chinese proposals, SHENG 3, is organised by the National Science Centre in cooperation with the Natural Science Foundation of China. The NCN and the NFSC carry out independent formal eligibility checks and merit-based reviews and funding is only awarded to projects recommended by both agencies.
The call is targeted at Polish research teams submitting proposals in tandem with Chinese partners.
Grants under SHENG 3 can go toward funding research tasks, salaries for research team members, scholarships for graduate students and PhD candidates, research equipment and other necessary costs of the Polish part of the joint research project.
The total budget of the SHENG 3 call available to Polish research teams involved in Polish-Chinese projects is 15 million zlotys.