Fri, 04/21/2023 - 13:41
Kod CSS i JS

54% of funding awarded by the National Science Centre last year fostered the development of early-stage researchers. It was 3% more than in 2021 and 11% more than in 2016, when the measurements started.

In 2022, over PLN 875 million was awarded to early-stage researchers in national and international calls for proposals, for research projects, scholarships and post-doctoral fellowships. As of 2016, they have received funding of nearly PLN 10 billion (PLN 9.8 billion).

NCN funding allows early-stage researchers to carry out research projects, create their own research teams, benefit from scholarships at doctoral schools and employment at Polish research institutions as well as foreign fellowships at renowned research institutions, the latter due to collaboration between the NCN and the Polish Agency of Academic Exchange.

NCN support for early-stage researchers is discussed by our guests today: Prof. Joanna Golińska-Pilarek, NCN Council Member, Prof. Łukasz Okruszek from the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences and NCN grant winner as well as Anna Strzebońska and Renata Mazurkiewicz from our Analysis and Evaluation Team. They are addressing the terms of NCN calls, funding awarded to early-stage researchers in particular years, as well as possible modifications of the terms of NCN calls as a result the budget freeze and their implications for early-stage researchers’ careers.

“The NCN is currently the best option for research development. As a community, we honestly hope that the current trend will change” says Prof. Łukasz Okruszek in view of NCN budget cuts.

The podcast is hosted by Anna Korzekwa-Józefowicz.


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