On 12-13 May, the University of Rzeszów will host this year’s NCN Days. The NCN Days are held once per year, always in a different academic town in Poland, owing to which researchers can learn more about the NCN portfolio, evaluation of proposals and project performance.
The event is addressed to the academic community from the Podkarpacie region and is open to students, researchers at various stages of their research career and administration officers interested in the NCN grant system, evaluation of proposals and research funding.
This year’s event will include:
- NCN’s briefing to discuss research funding, current calls for proposals and future of the grant system,
- lectures and discussions on the current challenges facing science,
- workshops for researchers in Physical Sciences and Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences and Art Sciences and Life Sciences (a mock panel to learn what is particularly important to experts and reviewers in NCN calls),
- workshop for administrative staff (meetings with professionals who support researchers in their application for research funding and project performance),
- research data management workshop to discuss development of research data management plans required by the NCN and research data management principles, including safe storage and data sharing.
The programme of the event and registration information will be released in mid-March.
This year’s NCN Days will be co-organised by the University of Rzeszów and supported by the City of Rzeszów, Regional Labour Office, HE institutions and universities from the region and Podkarpackie Centre for Innovation (CTI) as partners. The NCN Days are a great opportunity to get practical information and knowledge, participate in discussions, ask questions and make contacts.
Online workshops all year round.
The NCN organises regular online workshops for researchers preparing funding proposals to discuss national and international calls and to get practical tips on proposal submission stages. They can learn about the evaluation procedure (eligibility check and merit-based evaluation) and discover what is particularly important to experts.
Schedule of this year’s meetings
In addition, online meetings are organised for officers responsible for the administrative coordination of proposals and open science professionals.
Selected workshop video recordings are available on our YouTube channel. We have also addressed the evaluation of proposals in our podcasts: