Dioscuri is a programme intended to establish Centres of Scientific Excellence in Central and Eastern Europe. It is launched by the National Science Centre together with the Max Planck Society (MPG).
- DIOSCURI 4 – closed on June 15th, 2021
- DIOSCURI 3 – closed on March 23rd, 2020
- DIOSCURI 2 – closed on March 20th, 2019
- DIOSCURI 1 – closed on February 12th, 2018
Applicants: researchers with a PhD degree obtained within a period not exceeding fifteen years prior to the submission of their application to Dioscuri
Application procedure:
An application is submitted by a researcher together with a research institution based in Poland provided that he or she was not employed at the institution over 2 years preceding the date of submitting the proposal
Duration: 5 years and may be extended by another five years
Maximum of EUR 300,000 annually which may be used to finance:
- remuneration for the head of the Dioscuri Centre (awardee of the Dioscuri call) to the sum of EUR 100,000 per year,
- salaries for members of the Dioscuri Centre’s research team and scholarships (scholarships may be granted solely in accordance with the NCN regulations),
- costs of research activities of the Dioscuri Centre (costs of materials, travel, publications and other research activities, etc.),
- costs of cooperation with the German Mentor/Mentor Institution,
- funding does not provide for overheads of the research institution, administrative and financial costs, and research equipment and infrastructure.