PRELUDIUM BIS is a funding opportunity intended for research projects addressed at institutions operating doctoral schools:

The objective of the call is to support PhD student education in doctoral schools and fund research projects carried out by PhD students as part of their doctoral dissertations.

Principal Investigator: PhD supervisors at doctoral schools,

Duration: 36 or 48 months

Funding: up to PLN 300,000 for a research project, whereas the principal investigator may be a beneficiary of up to PLN 40,000, the project budget includes the cost of scholarships for PhD students and indirect costs of up to 20%

Equipment: research equipment is not eligible for funding under this scheme


  • under the call, a PhD student is selected and enrolled in a doctoral school;
  • research projects are carried out by PhD students as part of their doctoral dissertations;
  • foreign fellowships for PhD students for a period of 3 to 6 months in a foreign research institution, the funding of which shall be requested by PhD students under programmes operated by the NAWA;
  • a PhD must be awarded within 12 months of project completion.

Research Team: a research team including only the principal investigator and PhD student;

Evaluation Criteria:

  • basic research criterion,
  • scientific qualifications of the principal investigator (the principal investigator’s research achievements, evaluation of the results of research projects conducted by the principal investigator funded from the budget for science)
  • the scientific quality and innovative nature of the research,
  • the impact of the research on the development of the scientific discipline,
  • establishment of a new research team,
  • assessment of project feasibility,
  • relevance of the costs planned;
  • preparation of the proposal

Evaluation Procedure: merit-based evaluation conducted by peer review panels and external reviewers in two stages

Call for Proposals: once a year (September-December)

Call timeline


Tel: 0048 12 341 9000