Kod CSS i JS
Jarosław Protasiewicz

Jarosław Protasiewicz, PhD, DSc

  • Head of The National Information Processing Institute


The National Information Processing Institute

Title of presentation:

Integration of Scientific Information in Poland


An experienced researcher, lecturer and IT professional with many years of experience in computer science and artificial intelligence.

Jarosław obtained a master’s degree at the Białystok University of Technology and a doctoral degree at the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Both of his theses concerned artificial neural networks. In 2024, he was awarded the title of doctor habilitus in information technology and telecommunications at IBS PAN. His habilitation thesis explored knowledge recommendation systems with computational intelligence algorithms that support the selection of reviewers and experts, and innovation.

Since 2005, Jarosław has been employed by OPI PIB, where he initially served as a software developer and designer. Later, as an assistant professor, he established and managed the Laboratory of Intelligent Information Systems – the largest laboratory of the institute. He currently serves as the head of OPI PIB.

Jarosław is also an experienced academic teacher at the Warsaw School of Information Technology.


  • "RAD-on system: reports, analyses, and data (www.radon.nauka.gov.pl). The RAD-on system is the largest system in Europe in terms of the scope of data on the sector."
  • Manager of the Integrated System of Services for Science – Stage II RAD-on project. The project was conducted between 2017 and 2021 as part of the Digital Poland Operational Programme; submeasure 2.3.1: Digital availability of public sector information from administrative and scientific sources (project type I: digital availability of PSI from administrative sources).
  • Manager of the Inventorum: A Polish Information Platform with Innovation Potential project. The project was conducted between 2014 and 2015 as part of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme for 2007–2013; priority axis 2: R&D Infrastructure; measure 2.3: Investments connected with the development of information infrastructure for science; submeasure 2.3.2 Projects regarding development of digital information resources for science
  • Manager of the Support System for Selection of Reviewers project. The project was conducted between 2011 and 2012 as part of the Support for the Research and Research Result Management System project, which was implemented under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme for 2007–2013 (priority axis I, measure 1.1, submeasure 1.1.3).
  • Manager of the POL-on System of Information on Higher Education project. The project was conducted between 2010 and 2014 as part of the Human Capital Operational Programme; priority axis IV: Science and Higher Education; measure 4.1: Strengthening and development of didactic potential of universities and increase of the number of graduates in the fields of key importance for knowledge-based economy; submeasure 4.1.3: Strengthening of systemic tools for higher education management.