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Anna Koteja  
  • Coordinator, Physical Sciences and Engineering  
  • Adres e-mail: Anna Koteja

She graduated from the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection (Environmental Protection and Geology) at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. She completed her Master's degree in 2014, after which she started research work underpinning her doctoral dissertation. Her research focused on obtaining hybrid photosensitive materials based on natural aluminosilicates, was carried out as part of the OPUS project. She defended her doctoral dissertation with honors in 2019. At that time, she was also involved in other research projects, i.e., the project "Remediation technology of aquatic environments polluted with anionic forms of elements with the use of functionalized kaolinite sorbents" carried out under TANGO.

She has worked as a Coordinator for Physical Sciences and Engineering since September 2021.

She likes to spend her free time outdoors, especially hiking in the mountains.