Kod CSS i JS

Prof. dr hab. Justyna Chodkowska-Miszczuk

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun

Faculty of Eart Sciences and Spatial Management

Justyna Chodkowska-Miszczuk is a Professor at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. She is a member of the Nicolaus Copernicus University Centre of Excellence IMSErt: Interacting Minds, Societies, Environments, the team PSE: People, Space, and Environment. The academic degree of doctor habilitatus (dr hab., DSc) in the field of Social sciences, discipline social and economic geography and spatial management, the Scientific Council of the Discipline of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management of the University of Warsaw awarded.

Her research focuses on the: socio-spatial aspects of energy transition, renewables, biogas, sustainability, smart and resilience ideas, local development, embeddedness, urban mobility, adaptation to climate change, energy policy, environmental awareness, biodiversity, just transition. She is the author and co-author of over 100 scientific works – monographs and scientific articles, including those published in renowned scientific journals: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Research & Social Sciences, Land Use Policy, The Anthropocene Review and others.

She carries out numerous research projects, mainly in international teams, of which she is the leader and initiator. She cooperates with scientists from European university centres: Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden, the Netherlands and others. She managed an international research project on the functioning of new energy companies in local systems in the context of the embeddedness concept. She was a member of the international Energy SHIFTS RENEWABLES Horizon 2020 working group, which worked on the social aspects of energy transition. The final report was successfully submitted to the European Commission.

She actively participates in the most important international scientific conferences, including the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, the Royal Geographical Society - Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference, the Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, the EU Cohesion Policy Conference, and others. She is invited to participate in numerous meetings and conferences as a speaker and panellist. She is a regular reviewer of articles submitted for publication in scientific journals, mainly prestigious, international ones. She has been the Subject Editor of the Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series for a decade. She also has experience in sharing knowledge, and regularly organises workshops for students and teachers of various types of schools. Her work has been appreciated and awarded many times.


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