Kod CSS i JS

Prof. dr hab. inż. Krystian Marszałek

  • Prof. W. Dąbrowski Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology – State Research Institute

Professor at the Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology - State Research Institute (IBPRS-PIB). A graduate of the Faculty of Food Sciences at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (2009). In 2011-2012, he completed postgraduate managerial studies for the R&D sector at the Higher School of Economics and Innovation in Lublin, with a diploma as an R&D project manager. He obtained his PhD (2013) and habilitation (2017) in agricultural sciences in the field of food technology and nutrition at the Faculty of Food Sciences at SGGW. Employed at IBPRS-PIB since 2008, he is the head of the Department of Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technology. From 2019 to 2023, he was also employed at the University of Rzeszów in the Institute of Food Technology and Nutrition.

He has extensive experience in food technology and nutrition, particularly in the use of traditional and innovative thermal and non-thermal methods of food preservation and processing, such as pasteurization, high hydrostatic pressure, microwave pasteurization, supercritical carbon dioxide, and high-pressure homogenization. His scientific interests focus on food safety and quality, particularly of fruit and vegetable products, food chemistry, enzyme activity, new extraction methods, and studying the bioavailability and bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds and their effects on the human body.

Since the beginning of his scientific career, he has participated in the implementation of 26 research grants funded by KBN, NCN, NCBR, MEiN, MRiRW, including 7 international grants (COST Action, European Social Fund - Regione Veneto, Polish-Chinese cooperation, ERA-NET SUSFOOD2, H2020). He has served as project leader or work packages manager (WP) in 5 of these grants. Additionally, he is the author of 2 patents and 3 patent applications in collaboration with industry. He has completed 5 scientific internships/research stays at universities/institutes in Poland, Ireland, Spain, Italy, and China (totaling over 10 months). He has been awarded numerous scholarships, including for the best doctoral students and the MEiN scholarship for outstanding young scientists in Poland. In 2023, he was awarded the honorary badge "Meritorious for Agriculture" by MRiRW and in 2024 received an award for significant achievements in scientific activity from MNiSW.

He also serves as an Expert in several national agencies such as the National Agency for Academic Exchange, the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, the National Centre for Research and Development, and as a reviewer or member of the Commission in 7 doctoral and habilitation proceedings.

Member of the Scientific Council of IBPRS-PIB in the years 2017-2021, 2021-2024, and several SC commissions, the Scientific Discipline Council for Food Technology and Nutrition at UR for the years 2021-2022, the Technical Committee of the Polish Committee for Standardization for Food Safety Management Systems, the Polish Society of Food Technologists, and EUROCAROTEN. Since 2023, Chairman of the Sectoral Council for the Food, Agriculture, and Forestry Sector within the Polish Committee for Standardization and a permanent member of the scientific committee of the European High Pressure Meeting Group for the years 2022-2025. He has been collaborating with the National Union of Juice Producers for many years and since 2024 is a Board Member of this organization representing science.

He is the author of 115 scientific publications, including 86 indexed in the Scopus database and 18 book chapters and books published by Elsevier, Springer, or MDPI, and over 70 conference materials and presentations. His total Impact Factor (IF) is > 390, with an h-index of 28.

He has supervised 2 PhD graduates (with distinction), currently serves as a Promoter in 3 ongoing doctoral proceedings, and as a scientific supervisor for 2 international doctorates (prior to opening the proceedings).