prof. dr hab. Mariola Łaguna
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Faculty of Social Sciences
Full Professor of Psychology. She works at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. Head of the Department of General Psychology, she is also founder and head of Social Personality Psychology Lab. In the years 2019–2022, she was Director of the KUL Doctoral School. She is member of the Committee for Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and since 2020 she has been Deputy President of the Committee. Since 2019, she has been a member of the interdisciplinary Team for Industrial Doctoral Program.
Her research is located at the interface of personality psychology and social psychology. It concerns the motivational mechanisms guiding human behavior in various domains, such as work (including entrepreneurship), prosocial activities, and sports. In her analyses, she focuses on intentional human activity and the role of personal resources in the goal achievement process. She also investigates psychological measurement issues and is the author or co-author of psychological tests and their Polish adaptations. She has authored or co-authored several dozen peer-reviewed international publications, including articles listed as the most cited ones by international journals. In the years 2009-2017, she was the series editor of Szkolenia [Training], a series published by Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne (GWP). Editor of journals with international circulation, incl. Annals of Psychology, Social Psychological Bulletin, and Identity, and a reviewer of articles for numerous international journals. Principal investigator, research supervisor, and investigator of research projects, both Polish (e.g., State Committee for Scientific Research [KBN], National Science Center [NCN], including Harmonia international grant) and European (e.g., Leonardo da Vinci).
She has done several internships and made numerous research visits at foreign universities, incl. one-month internships at the Sapienza University of Rome and the University of Exeter. She is a co-organizer of international summer schools for graduate and doctoral students. She has been invited to deliver lectures at many universities and asked to participate in promotion procedures in Poland and abroad (e.g., the Sapienza University of Rome, the Spanish National Distance University, and Tilburg University). She has received the Silver Cross of Merit, the Minister of Science and Higher Education Award, and other awards for her academic accomplishments.