prof. dr hab. Piotr Roszak
- Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun Faculty of Teology
Piotr Roszak is an ordinary professor at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland; associated professor at University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, where he obtained his PhD in 2009.
Ordinary member of Pontifical Academy of St Thomas Aquinas in Rome; editor-in-Chief of the journal 'Scientia et Fides' dedicated to science-religion debate and director of the series 'Scholastica Thoruniensia', where the Polish translations of medieval biblical commentaries are published. Together with Mateusz Przanowski OP he is leading the “Opera Omnia” project of St. Thomas Aquinas in Poland. He obtained several grants from John Templeton Foundation, National Science Centre in Poland, Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Ministry of Science in Spain.
His research work includes the science-religion relations, philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, history of the Spanish-Mozarabic rite, analytic theology and the phenomenon of pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela. He is an ordinary member of Comite de Expertos del Camino de Santiago in Spain.
He has been involved in international research projects for many years, and was responsible for cooperation with other universities, leading to the signing of research cooperation agreements (among others, with universities in Spain, Chile, Italy, Austria and Malta).
Co-founder and member of the Scientific Council of the “European Journal for the Study of Thomas Aquinas”; member of the publishing board of “Synderesis” (Spain), “Scrutari Fontes” (Italy); expert of European grant agencies: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Research Council of Lithuania (RCL), Slovenian Research Agency (SRA) and as a reviewer of EU grants.
Author of several monographs and collective works, more than 140 articles in scientific journals; repeatedly awarded for achievements in scientific and research work by international organisations.
He is one of the most cited scholars in the humanities according to the ranking of Elsevier and Stanford University (2% of most cited scholars in the world in 2021).
In 2021 he received the Medal for Excellence in Christian Philosophy awarded by International Étienne Gilson Society.