10 September 2024
Announcement of the fourth call of the European Biodiversity Partnership (Biodiversa+): „Biodiversity and Transformative Change” (BiodivTransform).
The National Science Centre (NCN) in cooperation with the European Biodiversity Partnership (Biodiversa+) has announced a call for transnational and innovative research projects in the field of biodiversity conservation science.
The BiodivTransform Call aims to support interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and/or cross-sectoral research and innovation projects that will:
- Help understand trade-offs and cross-linkages between the worldwide crises of biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution;
- Identify, analyse, and comprehend transformation processes that may safeguard biodiversity by mitigating its threats and halt – even reverse – its decline, as well as the benefits it may provide to people.
This call adopts a bottom-up approach and intentionally does not define research themes. Projects will be expected to demonstrate academic excellence with potential for societal and policy impact regarding biodiversity, aiming to connect science, society, policy, and practices for transformative change.
This call is not restricted in terms of specific environments nor geographic areas, encompassing all realms (terrestrial, marine, coastal and freshwater) and ecosystems experiencing various levels and sources of disturbances, including transition zones and interfaces (coastal, wetlands, urban–rural, forest–agriculture, etc.) and in integrated land/seascapes.
Funding may be requested by international consortia comprising at least 3 research teams from at least 3 countries participating in the call. The principal investigator of the Polish team must be at least a PhD holder.
Countries participating in the call: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, Türkiye.
Call Stages:
The call procedure is divided into two stages. In stage I, joint pre-proposals shall be submitted jointly with a foreign partner. The best research teams shall then be invited to submit their joint full proposals in stage II of the call.
Call for Proposals:
- Stage I:
Joint pre-proposals shall be submitted to the EPSS submission system only. At this stage, Polish applicants submit no documents to the NCN. We recommend that Polish applicants should consult the budget table with the NCN as the budgets prepared at this stage are binding for joint full proposals.
Submission deadline for joint pre-proposals in the EPSS submission system: 8 November 2024 (3:00 p.m. CET).
- Stage II:
Joint full proposals shall be submitted to the EPSS submission system.
Submission deadline for joint full proposals in the EPSS submission system: 11 April 2025 (3:00 p.m. CEST).
In addition, the principal investigator of the Polish research team shall draft an NCN proposal for the Polish part of the project in the OSF submission system. NCN proposals shall be submitted to the NCN electronically via the OSF submission system within 7 days of the submission deadline for joint full proposals. Information in NCN proposals and in joint full proposals must be consistent.
Submission deadline for NCN proposals in the OSF submission system: 18 April 2025 (4 p.m. CEST).
More information on the NCN’s proposal submission procedure via OSF can be found here.
Outcome of the Call:
- September/October 2025: - publication of the list of projects recommended for funding
Project start date: 1 December 2025 – 1 April 2026
Under the call launched by the Biodiversa+ Partnership, funding may be awarded to cover remuneration for members of the research team, salaries and scholarships for students and PhD students, purchase or manufacturing of research equipment and for other costs crucial to the research project.
The total funding the NCN has allocated for all Polish research teams in the call is 1 000 000 EUR.
The EUR budget of the Polish part of the project in the joint proposal shall be calculated according to the following exchange rate: 1 EUR = 4.7728 PLN.
Please read:
- the call documents available at the website of the Biodiversa+ Partnership (applicable to all applicants in the call) and
- information for applicants below and annexes hereto.
Who may apply for NCN funding?
Proposals in the call may be submitted by the following entities laid down in the Act on the National Science Centre:
- universities;
- federations of science and HE entities;
- research institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences operating pursuant to the Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences of 30 April 2010 (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1796, as amended);
- research institutes operating pursuant to the Act on Research Institutes of 30 April 2010 (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 498);
- international research institutes established pursuant to other acts and acting in the Republic of Poland;
5a.Łukasiewicz Centre operating pursuant to the Act on the Łukasiewicz Research Network of 21 February 2019 (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 2098);
5b.institutes operating within the Łukasiewicz Research Network;
- Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences;
- other entities involved in research independently on a continuous basis;
- groups of entities (at least two entities mentioned in sections 1-7 or at least one institution as such together with at least one enterprise);
- scientific and industrial centres laid down in the Act on Research Centres of 30 April 2010 (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 498);
- research centres of the Polish Academy of Sciences laid down in the Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences of 30 April 2010 (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1796);
- scientific libraries;
- companies operating as R&D centres laid down in the Act on Certain Forms of Support for Innovation Activities of 30 May 2008 (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2474);
- President of the Central Office of Measures
13a. Prezes Głównego Urzędu Miar;
- natural persons;
- companies conducting research in other organisational form than set forth in sections 1-13.
If a research projects is carried out by two or more Polish entities applying for NCN funding, they shall set up a group of entities (see point 8 above) and as such submit NCN proposals. An NCN proposal shall be submitted by the leader specified in the research project cooperation agreement concluded by the group of entities. An entity employing the principal investigator shall act as the leader of the group of entities.
If, pursuant to Article 27 (1) (2) of the NCN Act, Polish entities cannot set up a group of entities, they shall not be eligible to apply for NCN funding of a joint research project.
A template research project cooperation agreement concluded by a group of entities.
Who may act as a principal investigator?
The principal investigator of the Polish research team shall hold at least a PhD degree when submitting an NCN proposal. Additional restrictions are described in detail in Chapter IV, §7-16 of the Terms and regulations on awarding funding for research tasks funded or co-funded under international calls launched by the National Science Centre and carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO, annexed to NCN Council Resolution No 87/2024 of 5 September 2024.
What are the topics covered by the call?
This call adopts a bottom-up approach and intentionally does not define research themes. Projects will be expected to demonstrate academic excellence with potential for societal and policy impact regarding biodiversity, aiming to connect science, society, policy, and practices for transformative change.
This call is not restricted in terms of specific environments nor geographic areas, encompassing all realms (terrestrial, marine, coastal and freshwater) and ecosystems experiencing various levels and sources of disturbances, including transition zones and interfaces (coastal, wetlands, urban–rural, forest–agriculture, etc.) and in integrated land/seascapes.
NCN proposals covering research tasks overlapping tasks specified in another proposal submitted earlier to an NCN call shall only be submitted once the evaluation of the previous proposal or appeal procedure is completed otherwise than by awarding funding.
What is the project duration period?
Research projects may be planned for a period of 36 months.
How should the budget of the Polish part of the project be planned?
We recommend that Polish applicants should consult the budget table of the Polish part of the project with the NCN. To receive NCN feedback in time, please send the budget table in .xlsx format to anna.kotarba@ncn.gov.pl by 25 October 2024. Budget tables delivered after 25 October 2024 shall not be reviewed. The project acronym must be included in the file title.
Creating a project budget is one of the most important aspects in the project planning which aims at identifying the required resources and estimating the costs required to perform the research tasks. The project budget must be based on realistic calculations and must comply with the guidelines laid down in the Types of costs in research projects funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO. The maximum budget of the Polish research team is not pre-determined, however, the justification of the expenses versus the scope of tasks shall be assessed by an international expert team.
The budget in the NCN proposal shall be quoted in PLN, while the budget in the joint proposal, in EUR.
The EUR budget for the Polish part of the research project in the joint proposal shall be calculated according to the following exchange rate: 1 EUR = 4.7728 PLN.
Project costs include direct and indirect costs.
Direct costs include:
- remuneration:
- full-time employment: funds for full-time employment of a principal investigator or post-doc(s);
- additional salaries for members of the research team;
- salaries and scholarships for students and PhD students;
- purchase or manufacturing of research equipment, devices and software;
- purchase of materials and small equipment;
- outsourcing;
- business trips, visits and consultations;
- compensation for collective investigators; and
- other costs crucial to the project.
Indirect costs include:
- indirect costs of Open Access of up to 2% of direct costs, which can only be spent on the costs of open access to publications or research data,
- other indirect costs of up to 20% of direct costs, which may be allocated to costs indirectly related to the project, including costs of open access to publications and research data. When the project is carried out, the host institution must arrange with the principal investigator for the distribution of at least 25% of the indirect costs’ value.
Remuneration of administrative staff and costs of conference organisation (rental of rooms, catering) may be financed solely as indirect expenses.
Monograph publication costs are not eligible.
If an unreasonable budget is planned, the proposal may be rejected.
What type of positions are held by the research team members?
Apart from the principal investigator, research tasks in the project may also be performed by co-investigators, including students, PhD students and post-docs.
A post-doc type post is a full-time post, scheduled by the project’s principal investigator for a person who has been conferred a PhD degree within 12 years before employment in the project. This period may be extended pursuant to the Types of costs in research projects funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO.
A post-doc must be a person who has been conferred a PhD degree by another institution than the one planning to employ them at this post or must have completed a continuous and evidenced post-doctoral fellowship of at least 10 months in another institution than the host institution for the project and in another country than the one in which they have been conferred a PhD degree.
Prospective post-docs and scholarship recipients must be selected in an open call. More on post-doc employment can be found in Point 2(1)(1) of an Annex to NCN Council Resolution. Furthermore, please read the Regulations for awarding scholarships in NCN-funded research projects.
The rationale of involvement of individual members of the research teams in the project is evaluated by an international expert team. The proposal must include the description of competencies and tasks of individual members of the research team. More on the costs of salaries and scholarships can be found in the Types of costs in research projects funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO.
The terms of the call do not specify the maximum number of research team members.
Persons recruited in an open call procedure, including post-docs, must not be named in either joint proposals or NCN proposals.
Can proposals in this call include application for state aid?
Yes, they can. Pursuant to NCN Council Resolution No 89/2024, application for state aid is allowed under the „Biodiversity and Transformative Change” call for basic research projects.
What is the proposal evaluation procedure?
Joint proposals shall be subject to an eligibility check performed by the NCN, other research-funding agencies participating in the „Biodiversity and Transformative Change” call and the Call Secretariat.
Joint proposals approved as eligible are subject to a merit-based evaluation performed by the international expert team according to the call procedure.
NCN proposals are subject solely to an eligibility check performed by the NCN Scientific Coordinators.
The eligibility check of NCN proposals includes verification of proposals for completeness and compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in the call documents and Resolution No 87/2024, including compliance of the expenses with the Annex: “Costs in research projects funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO. Information in NCN proposals and in joint full proposals must be consistent.
Who performs the merit-based evaluation of proposals?
Only joint proposals shall be subject to a merit-based evaluation performed by an international expert team formed by the research-funding agencies participating in the call acting jointly. For more information on the evaluation of proposals, please read the documents available on the website of the Biodiversa+ Partnership.
Open access to publications and research data
Pursuant to the Open Access Policy (adopted on 27 May 2020, as amended), all research results should be made available in full and immediate open access.
The Open Access Policy does not apply to monographs, monograph chapters and peer-reviewed collected papers.
The National Science Centre recognizes the following publication routes as compliant with its Open Access Policy:
- publication in open access journals and on open access platforms registered, or with pending registration in the Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ);
- publication in subscription journals (hybrid journals in which some of the articles are open access and some require payment of a publication fee), as long as the Version of Record (VoR, i.e. a version of record published in a journal with its own typeface and branding. Other terms: published version or publisher’s pdf) or the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM, i.e. the final manuscript version created by the author, including all the revisions introduced after the peer review, and accepted for publication in the journal, also referred to as post print) is published, by the author or publisher, in an open repository immediately upon the article’s online publication;
On the call date (10 September 2024), publication route No 3 described in the NCN’s Open Access Policy shall not apply to Applicants submitting proposals to the current edition of the call as it only applies to papers accepted for publication or published before 31 December 2024. Information on publication route No 3 will be provided at a later date (before agreements with the Applicants funded under the call are signed).
Manuscripts must be published using the CC-BY licence. Where agreed with the NCN, the CC-BY-ND licence may also be used (regardless of the publication route selected).
The data underpinning the scientific publications resulting from the project funded by the NCN must be well-documented pursuant to the FAIR Principles standing for machine or manual Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability or Reusability (the so-called “FAIR Data”). Where possible, data must be made available in the repository, according to the Creative Commons Public Domain CC0 licence. The CC0 licence allows the distribution of data to public domain. Pursuant to the licence, authors can give up their right to data under the intellectual property rights to the extend allowed by domestic law. The licence does not affect patent rights, rights of publicity or privacy. The data citation principles laid down in the Declaration of Data Citation Principles by FORCE 11 and the TOP Guidelines must be complied with. Metadata describing the data sets must be in line with the OpenAIRE.
When and how will the results be announced?
The call of the Biodiversa+ Partnership shall be concluded on the date laid down in the call documents (September/October 2025). Firstly, project coordinators shall be notified of the results of the call. Polish research teams will be notified by way of decisions of the NCN Director.
In the event of a breach of the call procedure or other formal infringements related to actions performed by the NCN, the applicant may appeal against the decision of the NCN Director with the Committee of Appeals of the NCN Council.
Useful information
Before submitting an NCN proposal at national level:
- 1. make sure that the information in and annexes to the proposal are correct. Checking the proposal for completeness in the OSF submission system with the Sprawdź kompletność [Check completeness] button does not guarantee that all information entered is correct and the required annexes have been attached;
- 2. disable the final version of the proposal to the NCN;
- 3. download the confirmation of proposal submission which must be signed by the principal investigator and authorised representative(s) of the entity;
- 4. upload the signed confirmation of proposal submission.
Once the proposal is completed and all the required annexes attached, use the Wyślij do NCN [Send to NCN] button to submit the proposal to the NCN electronically via the OSF submission system.
Where can additional information be found?
For more information on the call, go to the Biodiversa+ Partnership website. The terms and regulations on awarding NCN funding can be found in NCN Council Resolution No 87/2024 of 5 September 2024.
Should you have any more questions or queries, please contact us by e-mail or by phone:
- dr Mateusz Sobczyk,
- Anna Kotarba, tel.
Call documents
Biodiversa+ Partnership
The call documents are available here.
The National Science Centre:
- Terms and regulations on awarding funding for research tasks funded or co-funded under international calls launched by the National Science Centre and carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO (Resolution No 87/2024)
- NCN Council Resolution No 89/2024 on the international BiodivTransform call (Biodiversity and Transformative Change) launched within the framework of the European Biodiversity Partnership: Rescuing Biodiversity to Safeguard Life on Earth
- Budget table of the Polish research team
- Proposal form template
- Guidelines for applicants to complete NCN proposals in the OSF submission system
- NCN Proposal submission procedure in the OSF submission system
- Regulations for awarding NCN scholarships for NCN-funded research projects
- Research project cooperation agreement
- State aid rules (see also Annex 2 to the call text: Resolution No 89/2024)
- Guidelines for applicants to complete the Ethics Issues form in the proposal
- Guidelines for applicants to complete the Data Management Plan form in the proposal
- NCN Open Access Policy, as amended (will be updated in October 2024)
- Instructions: NCN Open Access Policy, as amended (will be updated in October 2024)
- Code of the National Science Centre on research integrity and applying for research funding
- NCN’s position on collaboration with the Russian Federation within the framework of NCN-funded grants
Documents concerning evaluation of proposals:
- Service of decisions of the NCN Director
- Guidelines for appealing against the NCN Director’s decisions
Documents to be read before commencing NCN projects:
- Agreement template (Agreement template for winners of the previous Biodiversa+ Partnership call – draft version that may be amended when the agreement with the NCN is entered into)
- Information on personal data processing of 25 May 2018 (GDPR)
- Order establishing a procedure for conducting audits on host institution’s premises
- Guidelines for entities auditing the implementation of research projects funded by the National Science Centre