Tue, 05/24/2022 - 16:00
Kod CSS i JS

A joint project of a Polish and Austrian research team has recently joined the list of winners of the Weave-UNISONO call. It will be allocated over 935,000 PLN by the NCN.

Entitled Classifying the Derivatives of the Axiom of Determinacy, the joint Polish-Austrian research project in Physical Sciences and Engineering received funding for the period of three years. The research team from the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, headed by Dr Grigor Sargsyan, together with researchers from Technische Universität Wien, will study mild objects in Derived Models. The main goal of the project is to classify these objects under the assumption of the existence of large cardinal numbers. The proposal was assessed by the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) as the lead agency.


Weave-UNISONO is a call launched within the framework of a multilateral cooperation between research-funding institutions that make up the Science Europe association. It was launched to simplify submission and selection procedures for proposals in all disciplines of science, which bring together researchers from two or three different European countries.

The selection process is based on the Lead Agency Procedure (LAP), under which only one partner institution is responsible for the merit-based revaluation of submitted proposals; the other partners agree to accept its results.

Under Weave, cooperating research teams submit their research proposals in parallel: to the lead agency and to the relevant domestic institutions participating in the programme. Their joint proposal must include a coherent research plan that clearly spells out the added value of international cooperation.

The Weave-UNISONO call accepts proposals on a rolling basis. Polish teams wishing to partner up with colleagues from Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium-Flanders are encouraged to carefully read the call announcement and submit their funding proposals.

Call announcement

Ranking list