Tue, 01/17/2023 - 12:00
Kod CSS i JS

Check out our calendar of online information meetings for research faculty and PhD students, facilitated by NCN Coordinators.

In 2023, our online information meetings will be divided into modules: each webinar will be devoted to one of the following subjects: our call portfolio, proposal evaluation or final report evaluation.


1. NCN call portfolio. Domestic and international calls

Dates: 21 March, 27 March, 28 March, 5 June, 6 June, 7 June, 4 October, 5 October, 6 October.

  • Domestic calls
  • International calls
  • Proposal submission restrictions
  • Call schedule
  • Call documents: where to look for information and how to read it?

Duration: 30 min.

2. Proposal structure

Dates: 16 May, 16 November.

  • Research outline, methodology
  • Principal investigator and team members: profile and skills
  • Budget
  • Ethical issues and data management plans

Duration: 30 min.

3. Proposal evaluation

Dates: 19 May, 14 November.

  • Eligibility check
  • Merit-based evaluation: who performs the evaluation? What do experts focus on?
    • Evaluation form – merit-based evaluation
    • Evaluation of the research record
    • Evaluation of the budget 
    • Other evaluation criteria (ethics, data management plan)
    • Individual opinions and final decisions

Duration: 30 min.

4. Project billing. Final reports

Dates: 18 May, 10 October.

  • Information to include in the report
  • Final report evaluation (eligibility checks, merit-based evaluation)
  • Most common mistakes

Duration: 30 min.

Research centres wishing to organise an online meeting for their staff are kindly requested to choose a module and a date, and send an application form to this e-mail address.

We will make every effort to accept as many applications as possible. However, due to system constraints, we cannot guarantee that every centre will be able to access the webinar. The decision will depend on the number of participants and the order of submission of applications.

To get more information, contact our coordinator, Dr Katarzyna Jarecka-Stępień. Call her at

or write her an e-mail.