Wed, 05/31/2023 - 12:30
Kod CSS i JS

We have published the results of the Weave-UNISONO call for research projects carried out by researchers from Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany covered by their proposals submitted in response to the 2022 call for proposals.

NCN’s support for international research collaboration is reflected in the Weave-UNISONO call for bilateral and trilateral research projects carried out by Polish researchers together with the research teams from Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, and Belgium-Flanders.

Due to NCN’s collaboration with the Czech Science Foundation GAČR, a Polish research team will receive funding for research. Prof. Dr hab. Daniel Wójcik from the Nenecki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences will lead the project “EEG/ECoG based functional connectivity neuroimaging in the rat - optimisation, standardisation and translational leap in neuropsychopharmacology”.

The project is trilateral and will be performed by the the research teams from Poland, Czech Republic, and Germany. The principal investigators of the foreign partners include Tomáš Páleníček from the National Institute of Mental Health (the Czech Republic) and Theodor Doll from the Research Institute of AuditNeuroTechnology of the Medical University in Hannover (Germany).

The purpose of the project is to use a novel high density 3D printed flexible silicone implant to identify and characterize EEGbased functional connectivity in freely moving rats and study its resilience and responses to different conditions, stimuli and drugs. Combining expertise of the teams, the researchers will establish a standard for high-throughput systematic EEG-based functional connectivity biomarkers for rats with high translational potential and broad applicability in translational pharmaco-EEG research.

Ranking list and call particulars