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  • In cooperation with the CHIST-ERA European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies, the National Science Centre opens a call for international research proposals in the following fields:… czytaj dalej
    Researchers studying ICT may submit their funding proposals for projects carried out jointly with foreign partners to the recently launched CHIST-ERA Call 2022
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    “Research under pressure – How do research institutions and funding organisations react to crisis?”. This is a subject of the third Polish-German Scientific Meeting held in Berlin on 27 and 28 October with the participation of 17 research institutions and… czytaj dalej
    “Research under pressure – How do research institutions and funding organisations react to crisis?”. This is a subject of the third Polish-German Scientific Meeting held in Berlin on 27 and 28 October with the participation of 17 Polish and German research institutions.
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    “Nature” has published an article co-authored by Dr Mateusz Tałanda from the University of Warsaw, which sheds new light on the evolution of lizards in the era of the dinosaurs. Artystyczna wizja wyglądu Bellairsia gracilis. Source: E. Panciroli/… czytaj dalej
    “Nature” has published an article co-authored by Dr Mateusz Tałanda from the University of Warsaw, which sheds new light on the evolution of lizards in the era of the dinosaurs.
  • We invite researchers and host institutions interested in participation in the last POLONEZ BIS call 3 to watch the dedicated webinars. We also encourage you to take a look at the presentations and answers to questions from the Q&A sessions: … czytaj dalej
    The recordings of webinars for researchers who are interested in moving to Poland under POLONEZ BIS call 3 and for prospective host institutions are now available on the NCN YouTube channel.
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    Following the decision of one of the applicants not to carry out the project funded under POLONEZ BIS 1 call, the National Science Centre launched the procedure to fund proposals placed on the waiting lists. The funding decision was issued to one project… czytaj dalej
    Following the decision of one of the applicants not to carry out the project funded under POLONEZ BIS 1 call, the funding decision was issued to one project representing the domain of physical Sciences and Engineering.
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    Between 24 and 26 October, the EOSC Festival – the National Tripartite Event Poland was held at the National Science Centre and online under the theme Open Science for Better Science. The purpose of the festival was to, inter alia, present the European… czytaj dalej
    Between 24 and 26 October, the EOSC Festival – the National Tripartite Event Poland was held at the National Science Centre and online under the theme Open Science for Better Science.
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    We are pleased to announce that three projects involving Polish researchers have been awarded funding in the first call of the  European Biodiversity Partnership entitled BiodivProtect: Supporting the… czytaj dalej
    We are pleased to announce that three projects involving Polish researchers have been awarded funding in the first call of the European Biodiversity Partnership.
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    The conference promoting the Basic Research program financed under the third edition of the EEA and Norway Grants was held in Gdańsk on Thursday, October 6, at the Olivia Business Center. This year's event was devoted to polar and climate research. During… czytaj dalej
    The conference promoting the Basic Research program financed under the third edition of the EEA and Norway Grants was held in Gdańsk on Thursday, October 6, at the Olivia Business Center. This year's event was devoted to polar and climate research.
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    Karolina Safarzyńska, Michał Bogdziewicz and Piotr Wcisło win NCN Award 2022. The awards ceremony for the most prestigious award given to early-stage researchers working in Poland was held on 12 October at the Gallery of 19th-Century Polish Art in… czytaj dalej
    Karolina Safarzyńska, Michał Bogdziewicz, and Piotr Wcisło win NCN Award 2022, the most prestigious award for early-stage researchers in Poland. On 12 October, the award was given out for the tenth time in its history.
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    22 students and entry-level researchers will now continue their studies and research projects in Poland. We have selected the winners of a programme targeted at students and PhD students looking for refuge in Poland, which is funded from the EEA and… czytaj dalej
    22 students and entry-level researchers will now continue their studies and research projects in Poland. We have selected the winners of a programme targeted at students and PhD students looking for refuge in Poland.
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    The National Science Centre invites to the EOSC Festival – the National Tripartite Event Poland, which will be held under the theme Open Science for Better Science in Cracow and online, 24-26 October 2022. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an… czytaj dalej
    We invite you to join the EOSC Festival – the National Tripartite Event Poland held under the theme Open Science for Better Science, 24-26 October in Cracow, Poland, and online.
  • Decisions for the POLONEZ BIS 2 proposals that have not been qualified for the second stage of evaluation were sent out on 7 October 2022. Please note that decisions of the Director of the National Science Centre are served in the form of an electronic… czytaj dalej
    Decisions for the POLONEZ BIS 2 proposals that have not been qualified for the second stage of evaluation were sent out on 7 October 2022.
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