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Wed, 06/25/2014 - 11:47
The National Science Centre has published a new edition of its calls for proposals addressed to advanced researchers, researchers wanting to carry out projects in international cooperation, and those who have been awarded PhDs between 2 and 12 years prior… czytaj dalejTue, 06/10/2014 - 08:00
On the 5th of June, in Krakow, members of the HERA network came together. HERA is a joint initiative of research funding organisations financing research in the humanities. Representatives of 19 European countries, chaired by professor Sean Ryder from NUI… czytaj dalejMon, 06/09/2014 - 09:40
On 27th and 28th of May, in Beijing, heads of public national research funding organisations from around the globe took part in the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Global Research Council (GRC). The meeting has been a significant step forward in two particular… czytaj dalejTue, 05/27/2014 - 14:42
On the 20th of May, the National Science Centre acted as host to the General Assembly of Science Europe, an association promoting the collective interests of European Research Funding Organisations (RFO) and… czytaj dalejMon, 05/12/2014 - 14:42
CHIST-ERA together with the National Science Centre invite researchers interested in the field of Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies to the CHIST-ERA Strategic Conference 2014, which will take place on the 17th and 18th of June,… czytaj dalejThu, 04/03/2014 - 08:49
The National Science Centre (NCN) together with the German Research Foundation (DFG) will launch a bilateral Polish-German call for proposals in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The aims of the call are: to support research in the Humanities and Social… czytaj dalejFri, 03/21/2014 - 09:08
In the seventh edition of the OPUS, PRELUDIUM and SONATA funding schemes, researchers can apply for funding worth € 57 million. Calls for proposals will be open until 17th June 2014. The National Science Centre is committed to supporting the growth of… czytaj dalejFri, 03/07/2014 - 12:47
On 24th and 25th February, the director of the NCN, professor Andrzej Jajszczyk, was present at the Sixth High-level Workshop on the European Research Area (ERA). The workshop − jointly organised by Science Europe, the UK Department for Business,… czytaj dalejMon, 02/24/2014 - 14:35
On 19th February 2014 the representatives of the National Science Centre and the German Research Foundation (DFG) met in Krakow to sign a memorandum of understanding. This bilateral agreement lays the cornerstone of work on a future common funding… czytaj dalejFri, 01/24/2014 - 14:48
HARMONIA 5, MAESTRO 5 and SONATA BIS 3 are the most recently concluded funding opportunities of the National Science Centre. Research projects awarded funding under the three schemes will receive a total sum of EUR 30,642,731. In response to calls for… czytaj dalejWed, 01/15/2014 - 08:55
The National Science Centre has opened new calls for proposals under the SONATA, ETIUDA and FUGA funding schemes, including the debut call under the TANGO funding opportunity organised in cooperation with the National Centre for Research and Development (… czytaj dalejWed, 09/18/2013 - 14:33
We are pleased to announce the launch of new NCN funding opportunities: PRELUDIUM – for pre-doctoral researchers starting their career in research,… czytaj dalej