Thu, 10/12/2023 - 08:18
Kod CSS i JS

“The development of Polish science relies on the National Science Centre thanks to which researchers at all career stages can conduct high quality research that contributes to the development of Polish science and enhances Poland’s position in the world,” the Polityka award winners and scholarship grantees write in their open letter. 

The letter was sent to Prof. Przemysław Czarnek, Minister of Education and Science on 11 October. It was signed by 45 Polityka award winners and “Stay with us” [Zostańcie z nami] scholarship grantees. They joined the signatories of other open letters in support of the National Science Centre by ERC grant holders, FNP award winners, FNP fellows, winners of L’Oreal-UNESCO Scholarships for Women and Science and Science Europe association.

“Many of us have decided to return to and continue research in Poland having gained experience in prestigious foreign research institutions. The mere existence of the National Science Centre and the fact that our research can be funded by a Polish institution were crucial for that decision,” they say in their open letter.  

The signatories expressed their concern and protest against the Minister’s declaration to change the operation of or even close the National Science Centre. They argued that the current operation of the National Science Centre must be maintained and funds for funding increased. 

“Stable operation of the National Science Centre and, above all, significant increase in research funding are crucial to the maintenance of Polish research potential and thus other aspects of our lives,” they emphasize. 

Full text of the letter