Power management in asymmetric B2B relationships
Prof. dr hab. Maciej Mitręga
Tiwanaku: using genetic methods to explore the origin, characteristics and population…
Perception of the European bison and the primeval forest in the 18th and 19th centuri…
How to combine observations from low-orbit and high-orbit satellites?
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Sośnica
Impact of intense disturbances on the relationship between herbivores and natural for…
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Szwagrzyk
Embodying Climate Change
Evolutionary and functional genomics of astrocytes
Microbial Dissolved Organic Matter utilisation
Tackling mitochondrial diseases through in vivo studies of zebrafish
Dr hab. Barbara Uszczyńska-Ratajczak
Two-photon vision – mechanism, characteristics, applications
Development of new biodegradable elastomeric templates for heart tissue engineering
Prof. Dr hab. inż. Mirosława El Fray
Macromolecular machines and their mechanismes of action
dr hab. Michał Szymański, prof. UG