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  • We would like to invite researchers interested in the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) for Social Sciences and Humanities Call Democracy, Governance and Trust (DGT Call… czytaj dalej
    We would like to invite researchers interested in the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) for Social Sciences and Humanities Call Democracy, Governance and Trust (DGT Call 2023), to participate in the live webinar on Tuesday, 8th of August 2023, 15:00 (CEST).
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    We are proud to announce the list of winning bilateral international projects carried out jointly by Polish and Swiss researchers. The total budget of the winning projects amounts to nearly PLN 9.2 mln.… czytaj dalej
    We are proud to announce the list of winning bilateral international projects carried out jointly by Polish and Swiss researchers. The total budget of the winning projects amounts to nearly PLN 9.2 mln.
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    55 researchers from all over Poland will each complete a single research task, such as a preliminary/pilot study, library or archive search, research fellowship or research/consultation trip, thanks to more than 2 million zlotys in research funding from… czytaj dalej
    55 researchers from all over Poland will each complete a single research task thanks to more than 2 million zlotys in research funding from the NCN. Check out the third ranking list of the MINIATURA 7 call, this time for proposals submitted in April.
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    The Carpathians, photo by Dominik Kaim The first global Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) map has just been published by “Nature”. “My role in this research was made possible by the NCN”, says Dr Dominik Kaim, a geographer from the Jagiellonian University,… czytaj dalej
    The first global Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) map has just been published by “Nature”. “My role in this research was made possible by the NCN”, says Dr Dominik Kaim, a geographer from the Jagiellonian University, one of the authors of the article.
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    Results are now in for the OPUS 24+ LAP/Weave call for projects proposed by Polish researchers in cooperation with teams from Belgium-Flanders. Grants were awarded to 6 bilateral proposals, two in each discipline panel. In total, research teams will get… czytaj dalej
    Six mixed international research teams from Poland and Belgium-Flanders will conduct their research under the OPUS 24+LAP/Weave scheme.
  • Dr Maciej Kowalczyk and Dr Monika Tarsalewska are two Polish researchers who will be able to conduct their researches thanks to NCN’s cooperation with the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) under NAWA’s “Polish Returns” programme. Dr Kowalczyk… czytaj dalej
    Thanks to NCN funding, two researchers will do part of their research at universities in Gdańsk and Wrocław under NAWA’s “Polish Returns” programme.
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    Polish-Austrian research projects were evaluated through a Lead Agency Procedure (LAP), with the National Science Centre as the lead agency; the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) then approved the results of NCN’s peer review. Polish teams will be funded by the… czytaj dalej
    Results are now in for the OPUS 24+ LAP call, under which researchers at all career levels could request funding for international projects in the framework of the WEAVE program.
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    “The NCN budget needs to be raised to a level where we can guarantee a success rate of 25% in our calls. This would definitely improve the odds for smaller research centres”, Zbigniew Błocki tells PAP. Błocki also discussed the budget with Science… czytaj dalej
    “The NCN budget needs to be raised to a level where we can guarantee a success rate of 25% in our calls. This would definitely improve the odds for smaller research centres”, Zbigniew Błocki tells PAP.
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    The QuantERA network that supports research in QT has published a series of interviews with researchers heading international research consortia. The network coordinated by the National Science Centre promotes actions to ensure a more balanced… czytaj dalej
    The QuantERA network that supports research in QT has published a series of interviews with researchers heading international research consortia.
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    Dr inż. arch. Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska from the Gdańsk University of Technology is the first and corresponding author of an article about the impact of light pollution on public health, just published in a special issue of “Science” on 15 June. The… czytaj dalej
    Dr inż. arch. Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska from the Gdańsk University of Technology is the first and corresponding author of an article about the impact of light pollution on public health, just published in a special issue of “Science” on 15 June. The article was written as part of a project funded under the MINIATURA 4 call.
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    “The budget of the NCN should be doubled to approximately 3 billion PLN. This would allow us to fund 25-30% of the proposals we receive, ensuring an optimal success rate as compared to other countries. But for now, we are just asking for another 300… czytaj dalej
    “The budget of the NCN should be doubled to approximately 3 billion PLN. This would allow us to fund 25-30% of the proposals we receive, ensuring an optimal success rate as compared to other countries”, Professor Zbigniew Błocki tells
  • On 15 September 2023, we are launching the OPUS 26 call for research projects including collaborative LAP projects within the framework of the Weave programme. LAP cooperation under the OPUS 26 call within the framework of the Weave programme As of 2023… czytaj dalej
    On 15 September 2023, we are launching the OPUS 26 call for research projects including collaborative LAP projects within the framework of the Weave programme.
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