Latest news

  • The National Science Centre invites researchers to submit proposals under POLONEZ 3 funding opportunity addressed to incoming researchers who would like to carry out basic research in host institutions in Poland. POLONEZ 3 timeframe: Call announcement… czytaj dalej
  • On September 13th Science Europe released a short Statement ‘Funding Research in Horizon 2020: Europe’s Most Valuable Strategic Resource’, available here. Science Europe expresses strong concern that the… czytaj dalej
  • In a recently published “Nature Index 2016 Rising Stars” report, Poland has been listed first among the “rising stars of science.” This term is applied to countries whose… czytaj dalej
  • We are pleased to announce that the European Commission (EC) has allocated EUR 11.5 million for QuantERA, a program aiming to support research in Quantum Technologies, coordinated by the National Science Centre. It is the largest grant awarded to Poland… czytaj dalej
  • We are pleased to announce that 5 international projects involving researchers from Poland have been awarded funding in the Uses of the Past call for proposals launched by the NCN together with the HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) network,… czytaj dalej
  • Astronomers from the Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory based long-term large-scale sky survey OGLE (Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment) announced the discovery of an extraordinary exploding star. Long-term observations of the classical nova… czytaj dalej
  • We wish to remind you of the consequences of performing testing on animals without a permit by the appropriate ethics in science committee. Pursuant to the act that had been in force until 2015, instances of proceeding without a permit would be treated as… czytaj dalej
  • We would like to inform that from 26th to 29th of July due to local transportation difficulties connected with the World Youth Days which take place in Krakow, there will be limited access to NCN staff as the office shall be closed. Contact with NCN… czytaj dalej
  • The NCN has concluded the fourth edition of the SYMFONIA call for proposals targeted at applicants wanting to conduct interdisciplinary research. Within this call, experts selected 5 projects worth over EUR 5 million. SYMFONIA applicants must be PhD… czytaj dalej
  • We would like to notify our applicants and grantees that on 11 May 2016, the Council of the National Science Centre introduced the Code of the National Science Centre on Research Integrity and Applying for Research Financing by way of Resolution No 39/… czytaj dalej
  • The National Science Centre will allocate almost EUR 10 million for doctoral scholarships and post-doctoral internships for young researchers within recently concluded call for proposals ETIUDA 4 and FUGA 5. Out of 570 submitted proposals, 199 were… czytaj dalej
  • We would like to invite researchers to submit proposals under ERA-CAPS call for proposals in all areas of molecular plant science. Consortia for funding should consist of a minimum of three partners from three different countries. At least two of these… czytaj dalej
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