We are pleased to announce that European Biodiversity Partnership Biodiversa+ has revealed the topic of the fourth joint call. The BiodivTransform call will focus on Societal Transformation. The call will be included in our programme “Supporting societal… czytaj dalej We are pleased to announce that European Biodiversity Partnership Biodiversa+ has revealed the topic of the fourth joint call.
The NCN has launched an OPUS 25 call for research projects and PRELUDIUM 22 call for researchers who are not PhD holders. The budget of both calls amounts to 330 million PLN. The call for proposals is open until 15 June 2023.
OPUS 25 is the flagship… czytaj dalej The NCN has launched an OPUS 25 call for research projects and PRELUDIUM 22 call for researchers who are not PhD holders. The budget of both calls amounts to 330 million PLN. The call for proposals is open until 15 June 2023.
As previously announced, the NCN Council has taken measures to stop or slow down success rate decline in NCN calls, caused by insufficient funding that fails to match the needs and expectations of the research community. As of 15 March 2023, the total… czytaj dalej As previously announced, the NCN Council has taken measures to stop or slow down success rate decline in NCN calls, caused by insufficient funding that fails to match the needs and expectations of the research community.
We are pleased to announce that 10 projects involving Polish researchers have been awarded funding in the M-ERA.NET 3 call for proposals.
Within the call applicants have submitted 289 proposals. Over EUR 43,7 million have been granted to 46 research… czytaj dalej We are pleased to announce that 10 projects involving Polish researchers have been awarded funding in the M-ERA.NET 3 call for proposals.
The National Science Centre, in cooperation with the M-ERA.NET network, has launched the M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2022 for international research projects in the area of material science and material engineering within the following subjects:
Sustainable… czytaj dalej The NCN, in cooperation with the M-ERA.NET network, has launched the M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2022 for international research projects in the area of material science and material engineering.
NCN grant winners, Dr Agnieszka Brylak and Dr hab. Piotr Skowron from the University of Warsaw, win prestigious ERC Starting Grants.
Dr Agnieszka Brylak, from the Faculty of Modern Languages of the University of Warsaw specialises in Mesoamerican studies… czytaj dalej NCN grant winners, Dr Agnieszka Brylak and Dr hab. Piotr Skowron from the University of Warsaw, win prestigious ERC Starting Grant.
Each year, the National Science Centre receives 10-12 thousand grant proposals. Funding is awarded to up to twenty-something percent of the best projects.
In the second episode of our NCN podcast, we are talking about the evaluation of proposals at… czytaj dalej Each year, the National Science Centre receives 10-12 thousand grant proposals. Funding is awarded to up to twenty-something percent of the best projects. In the second episode of our NCN podcast, we are talking about the evaluation of proposals.
We have now selected the winners of MAESTRO and SONATA BIS. The two calls attracted 472 proposals, 63 of which will receive a total of more than 188 million zlotys in funding. MAESTRO is a call for experienced researchers, while SONATA BIS targets those… czytaj dalej Announcing the results of MAESTRO and SONATA BIS. 63 projects will get a total of more than 188 million zlotys in funding.
The National Science Centre, in cooperation with the JPI Urban Europe, is launching a call for international research projects in the area of urban development and development of urban areas (Building transformation capacity through arts and design:… czytaj dalej In cooperation with the JPI Urban Europe network, we are is launching a call for international research projects in the area of urban development and development of urban areas.
On Wednesday, 8 March 2023, at noon, a two-hour webinar will be held on the Weave-UNISONO call for proposals. The meeting will include discussions on how to prepare and submit proposals. The webinar addressed to the Polish research teams intending to… czytaj dalej On Wednesday, 8 March 2023, at noon, a two-hour webinar will be held on the Weave-UNISONO call for proposals.
The National Science Centre, in cooperation with the JPI HDHL network (EU Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’), has launched a call for international research projects with the aim of better understanding the food-health… czytaj dalej The National Science Centre (NCN), in cooperation with the JPI HDHL network, has launched a call for international research projects with the aim of better understanding the food-health relationship and subsequently translate this knowledge into programmes, products, tools and services that enable consumers in Europe and beyond to live a healthy life.
18 students and entry-level researchers will soon join the ranks of scholarship recipients within the framework of a programme targeted at the Ukrainian research community. The programme is an NCN initiative funded under the EEA and Norway Grants.… czytaj dalej 18 students and entry-level researchers will soon join the ranks of scholarship recipients within the framework of a programme targeted at the Ukrainian research community. The programme is an NCN initiative funded under the EEA and Norway Grants.