M.ERA-NET 3 Call 2025 is now open
In collaboration with the M-ERA.NET 3 network, we have just launched a call for for international research projects in material science and material engineering as well as low carbon energy technologies, and research related to materials and battery technologies to support the European Green Deal.
M.ERA-NET 3 Call 2025 is addressed to international consortia composed of at least three research teams from various countries participating in the call. Applicants must focus on the main objectives of the M.ERA-NET programme: supporting the European Green Deal, striving to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, increasing socio-ecological benefits in the context of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), supporting the innovation chain, and strengthening interdisciplinarity.
The call covers the following subjects in material science and material engineering:
- Sustainable materials for energy applications,
- Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces,
- Advanced composites and lightweight materials,
- Functional materials,
- Materials addressing environmental challenges,
- Next generation materials for electronics.
Poland is represented by the National Science Centre and the National Centre for Research and Development to which scientists from research institutions may apply, depending on the scope of their research. The National Science Centre will fund basic research (Technology Readiness Level 1-4) without industrial participation, whereas the National Centre for Research and Development will fund projects starting from TRL 3-6 and achieving TRL 5-8, in which case involvement of an industrial partner is indispensable.
Under the call, researchers could plan their projects for a period of either 24 or 36 months. The principal investigator of the Polish research team had to be at least a PhD holder. The budget could include funds for salaries, purchase or manufacturing of research equipment, devices and software, outsourcing, business trips, visits and consultations, as well as other costs crucial to the project.
Research teams requesting funding under the call should first draft their pre-proposals in cooperation with their foreign partners and submit them by 13 May 2025, 12 noon via the international M-ERA.NET Submission System. Proposals will be evaluated by an international expert team and selected international consortia will be invited to submit full proposals. The call results will be published in February 2026.