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  • On 5 March 2024, M-ERA.NET will launch a new call for international research projects addressing materials research and innovation to support the European Green Deal and Sustainable Development Goals. For more… czytaj dalej
    On 5 March 2024, M-ERA.NET will launch a new call for international research projects addressing materials research and innovation to support the European Green Deal and Sustainable Development Goals.
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    Prof. Joanna Golińska-Pilarek, Chair of the NCN Committee for Regulations and Procedures, discusses the most important mechanisms of the NCN, including its call procedure, expert evaluation process, reviews and final assessments, in an article just… czytaj dalej
    Prof. Joanna Golińska-Pilarek, Chair of the NCN Committee for Regulations and Procedures, discusses the most important mechanisms of the NCN, including its call procedure, expert evaluation process, reviews and final assessments, in an article just published in “Forum Akademickie”.
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    We are launching the MINIATURA 8 call, in which PhD holders can vie for grants to fund single research activities. The budget of this year’s call is 20 million zlotys. The call is open to proposals for single research activities that have never been… czytaj dalej
    We are launching the MINIATURA 8 call, in which PhD holders can vie for grants to fund single research activities. The budget of this year’s call is 20 million zlotys.
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    43 projects worth a total of nearly 26 million zlotys will be funded under the fifth PRELUDIUM BIS call. PRELUDIUM BIS 5 is targeted at doctoral schools; its objective is to support the education of PhD students and fund research projects they carry out… czytaj dalej
    43 projects worth a total of nearly 26 million zlotys will be funded under the fifth PRELUDIUM BIS call.
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    Fellows of the Fulbright Senior Award programme, organised by the Polish-American Fulbright Committee, will now be able to continue working with their US colleagues after their return to Poland thanks to NCN funding, as per an agreement reached between… czytaj dalej
    Fellows of the Fulbright Senior Award programme, organised by the Polish-American Fulbright Committee, will now be able to continue working with their US colleagues after their return to Poland thanks to NCN funding, as per an agreement reached between the two institutions.
  • In 2024, join us for a new series of information webinars by NCN discipline coordinators, intended for researchers and PhD candidates planning to submit proposals under NCN calls. The webinars will work as modules, each devoted to one of the following… czytaj dalej
    In 2024, join us for a new series of information webinars by NCN discipline coordinators, intended for researchers and PhD candidates planning to submit proposals under NCN calls.
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    In cooperation with the CHIST-ERA network, the NCN  is launching an international call for proposals in information and communication technology.  The NCN Council has set aside 500 thousand euro in funding for Polish teams. The CHIST-ERA Call 2023 is… czytaj dalej
    In cooperation with the CHIST-ERA network, the NCN  is launching an international call for proposals in information and communication technology.
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    Three out of four projects selected under the ForestValue2 Call 2023 will involve Polish research teams. The scientists, who will receive more than 2.7 million zlotys in funding, will work on research problems concerning the use of forest resources for… czytaj dalej
    Three out of four projects selected under the ForestValue2 Call 2023 will involve Polish research teams. The scientists, who will receive more than 2.7 million zlotys in funding, will work on research problems concerning the use of forest resources. 
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    Prof. Krzysztof Fic from the Poznań University of Technology, member of the NCN Council, has just won a Proof of Concept grant, awarded by the European Research Council. This is the 80th ERC grant for a researcher based in Poland. Dr hab. inż Krzysztof… czytaj dalej
    Prof. Krzysztof Fic from the Poznań University of Technology, member of the NCN Council, has just won a Proof of Concept grant, awarded by the European Research Council. This is the 80th ERC grant for a researcher based in Poland.
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    “The statements made by the Minister of Science and Higher Education failed to include any specific commitment to raising the budget of the NCN, whose steady decrease has been one of the chief threats to the development of science in Poland”, reads a… czytaj dalej
    “The statements made by the Minister of Science and Higher Education failed to include any specific commitment to raising the budget of the NCN, whose steady decrease has been one of the chief threats to the development of science in Poland”, reads a statement from Professors Jan Ostrowski and Marek Konarzewski, who appealed for more funding for the agency.
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    Together with the JPIAMR we are launching a call for international research projects on antimicrobial resistance: “Interventions Moving forward to Promote ACTion to counteract the emergence and spread of bacterial and fungal resistance and to improve… czytaj dalej
    Together with the JPIAMR we have launched a call for international research projects on antimicrobial resistance. Funds for Polish research teams sum up to 500,000 EUR.
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    Dr Michał Ślęzak from the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT in Wrocław will team up with German scientists for a research project selected under the Weave-UNISONO call. The Polish team will receive more than 2.2. million zlotys in funding. Dr Michał… czytaj dalej
    Dr Michał Ślęzak from the Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT in Wrocław will team up with German scientists for a research project selected under the Weave-UNISONO call. The Polish team will receive more than 2.2 million zlotys in funding.
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