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    This was a difficult year for the NCN and the grant system in Poland. The shaky political situation, our frozen budget, our struggle to defend the independence of the National Science Centre against the threat of reform and shutdown, and many months of… czytaj dalej
    This was a difficult year for the NCN and the grant system in Poland. The shaky political situation, our frozen budget, our struggle to defend the independence of the National Science Centre against the threat of reform and shutdown, and many months of waiting for the Minister of Education and Science to appoint the new NCN Director were but some of the things that claimed our attention in 2023.
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    Happy Holidays and best wishes for a wonderful New Year! Management, Council and employees of the National Science Centre  
    Happy Holidays and best wishes for a wonderful New Year
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    The Sejm is working on the draft 2024 budget bill. During a debate on 21 December, Andrzej Domański, Minister of Finance, declared that the new state budget will include resources for the “important purpose” of increasing the budget of the National… czytaj dalej
    The Sejm is working on the draft 2024 budget bill. During a debate on 21 December, Andrzej Domański, Minister of Finance, declared that the new state budget will include resources for the “important purpose” of increasing the budget of the National Science Centre.
  • Prof. Robert Hasterok
    “The core of our mission is to fund top basic research. This is so little and yet so much…It would be good if politicians finally recognised the importance of the NCN in the research-funding system”, says Prof. Robert Hasterok, President of the NCN… czytaj dalej
    “The core of our mission is to fund top basic research. This is so little and yet so much...In our current circumstances, we are hardly able to satisfy the needs of the research community”, says Prof. Robert Hasterok, President of the NCN Council, in an interview published by “Forum Akademickie”.
  • Dr hab. Paulina Pospieszna from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and Dr hab. Piotr Micek from the Jagiellonian University will work on a trilateral international research projects thanks to a Weave-UNISONO grant. Researchers from Poland, Belgium-… czytaj dalej
    Dr hab. Paulina Pospieszna from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and Dr hab. Piotr Micek from the Jagiellonian University will work on a trilateral international research projects thanks to a Weave-UNISONO grant.
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    Winners of scholarships from the Minister of Education and Science (MEiN) for outstanding young researchers have just issued an open letter to the Polish Prime Minister and the Minister of Science, in which they call for an increase in spending on Polish… czytaj dalej
    Outstanding young researchers have just issued an open letter to the Polish Prime Minister and the Minister of Science, in which they call for an increase in spending on Polish research and a revision of available research funding channels.
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    We present a preliminary timeline for calls operated by the National Science Centre in the year 2024. The call timeline does not include multilateral calls launched by the international networks of research funding agencies, including the NCN, which are… czytaj dalej
    The National Science Centre presents a preliminary timeline for calls operated by the NCN in the year 2024.
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    8 out of 24 projects selected for funding in the QuantERA call for transnational research projects in Quantum Science and Technologies, will be implemented together with the Polish teams. Polish researchers will investigate a number of fascinating… czytaj dalej
    8 out of 24 projects selected for funding in the QuantERA call for transnational research projects in Quantum Science and Technologies, will be implemented together with the Polish teams.
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    The SONATINA 8 and DAINA 3 calls are now open. It is an opportunity for new PhDs and researchers planning projects with Lithuanian partners to get their share of funding from a total budget of 36 million zlotys. In the winter iteration of NCN calls,… czytaj dalej
    The SONATINA 8 and DAINA 3 calls are now open. It is an opportunity for new PhDs and researchers planning projects with Lithuanian partners to get their share of funding from a total budget of 36 million zlotys.
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    “We wish for a new opening in our relationship and hope that the new authorities will soon take quick and effective measures to support the National Science Centre in its mission to boost the quality and effectiveness of Polish research and improve the… czytaj dalej
    “We wish for a new opening in our relationship and hope that the new authorities will soon take quick and effective measures to support the National Science Centre in its mission”, Professors Robert Hasterok and Krzysztof Jóźwiak write in a letter to Dariusz Wieczorek, Minister of Science.
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    Researchers from Poland and the Czech Republic will carry out joint research projects within the framework of NCN’s collaboration with the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR). Researchers will be awarded nearly 5 million zlotys for their research. Four… czytaj dalej
    Researchers from Poland and the Czech Republic will carry out joint research projects under Wave-UNISONO. They will be awarded nearly 5 million zlotys for their research.
  • As the end of the year is coming closer, do not forget that NCN proposals submitted to the IMPRESS-u call and processed in the OSF submission system in 2023 must be sent via OSF by 31 December 2023, 23:59:59. Otherwise, a new proposal will have to be… czytaj dalej
    Reminder for Polish research teams of the rules of preparing proposals in the IMPRESS-U call at the turn of the year.
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