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    Today, we discuss equal opportunities for men and women in science with Dr inż. Marta Pacia from the Jagiellonian Centre for Drug Development and Dr Aleksandra Rutkowska from the Brain Disease Centre at the Medical University of Gdańsk, winners of the L’… czytaj dalej
    Today, we discuss equal opportunities for men and women in science with Dr inż. Marta Pacia from the Jagiellonian Centre for Drug Development and Dr Aleksandra Rutkowska from the Brain Disease Centre at the Medical University of Gdańsk, winners of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science awards.
  • 1. The budget of the Polish part of the project in the joint proposal should be calculated according to the following exchange rates: in joint proposals, for which NCN proposals are processed in and submitted via the OSF submission system by 31 December… czytaj dalej
    A short summary for Polish research teams with the deadlines and rules of preparing Weave-UNISONO proposals.
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    Over 100 scientists participated in the third and the last POLONEZ BIS Kick-off meeting. The meeting was held at the beginning of December, at the NCN headquarters. The Fellows and Mentors whose research projects started this autumn or will take off in… czytaj dalej
    Over 100 scientists participated in the third and the last POLONEZ BIS Kick-off meeting that was held in December at the NCN headquarters.
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    The second EOSC Festival 2023.The National Tripartite Event Poland gathered the stakeholders of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), who engaged in discussions on Open Science (OS) and the future of the EOSC. The focus was on key issues related to OS… czytaj dalej
    The second EOSC Festival 2023.The National Tripartite Event Poland gathered the stakeholders of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) at NCN headquarters in Krakow. The focus was on key issues related to Open Science policy and implementation and EOSC development in Widening Countries and beyond.
  • Researchers from Białowieża, Łódź, Kraków, Sopot and Warsaw are among the recent winners of the BiodivMon call organised by the European Biodiversity Partnership Biodiversa+. They will work on projects focused on improving the system of monitoring… czytaj dalej
    Researchers from Białowieża, Łódź, Kraków, Sopot and Warsaw are among the recent winners of the BiodivMon call organised by the European Biodiversity Partnership Biodiversa+. They will work on projects focused on improving the system of monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem change.  
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    On 14 December, join us for a talk entitled “The Quantum Path to Chemistry” by Katharina Boguslawski, winner of the 2023 NCN Award for Physical Sciences and Engineering, in the framework of the “Science at the Centre” series.… czytaj dalej
    On 14 December, join us for a talk entitled “The Quantum Path to Chemistry” by Katharina Boguslawski, winner of the 2023 NCN Award for Physical Sciences and Engineering, in the framework of the “Science at the Centre” series.
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    The headquarters of the National Science Centre in Kraków hosted a conference promoting the Basic Research programme funded under the 3rd EEA and Norway Grants’ edition. This year, the event was devoted to Humanities and Social Sciences. Organised by… czytaj dalej
    The headquarters of the National Science Centre in Kraków hosted a conference promoting the Basic Research programme funded under the 3rd EEA and Norway Grants’ edition. This year, the event was devoted to Humanities and Social Sciences.
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    “In my field, the dominance of men starts with the dominance of boys. If there is any need for institutional support, it is in raising social awareness and educating kids early on. All children, boys and girls alike, should be encouraged to develop their… czytaj dalej
    “In my field, the dominance of men starts with the dominance of boys. If there is any need for institutional support, it is in raising social awareness and educating kids early on. All children, boys and girls alike, should be encouraged to develop their interest in maths,” says Professor Ewa Szczurek. We met with the 2023 ERC CoG winner to discuss research, grants and measures to support equal opportunities for men and women in science.
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    “The amendment to the 2024 budget bill, as announced by the future government and parliament, is our last call to prevent a serious collapse of the Polish science and higher education system through changes in spending, especially on subsidies for the NCN… czytaj dalej
    “The projected amendment to the 2024 budget bill is our last call to prevent a serious collapse of the Polish science and higher education system through changes in spending, especially on subsidies for the NCN”, reads an open letter addressed to the public authorities by a group of Polish researchers. 
  • The JPND network, which supports research on neurodegenerative diseases, will be announcing a new international call for proposals in January 2024. The theme of JPND Call 2024 is: Mechanisms and measurement of disease progression in the early phase of… czytaj dalej
    The JPND network, which supports research on neurodegenerative diseases, will be announcing a new international call for proposals in January 2024.
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    Ewa Szczurek, Szymon Toruńczyk, Paweł Caputa, and Magdalena Wojcieszak from the University of Warsaw have just grabbed four ERC Consolidator Grants. They have also worked on NCN-funded projects. Prof. Ewa Szczurek will work on a project entitled Deep… czytaj dalej
    Ewa Szczurek, Szymon Toruńczyk, Paweł Caputa, and Magdalena Wojcieszak from the University of Warsaw have just grabbed four ERC Consolidator Grants. They have also worked on NCN-funded projects.
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    A little over 338 million zlotys in funding will go to 407 projects selected under OPUS 25 and PRELUDIUM 22. This is the lowest number of winning projects in these calls since the NCN was founded. Because our budget has been frozen, success rates in this… czytaj dalej
    A little over 338 million zlotys in funding will go to 407 projects selected under OPUS 25 and PRELUDIUM 22. This is the lowest number of winning projects in these calls since the NCN was founded; in this iteration of OPUS and PRELUDIUM, success rates fell to just 8.06% and 10.73%, respectively.
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