Over € 7 million from the SONATINA programme for researchers beginning their careers

Tue, 07/31/2018 - 00:05

The results of the SONATINA 2 call for researchers in the early stages of their research career are in. Awardees have received the total sum of more than € 7 million for their research projects and international fellowships.

SONATINA is aimed at researchers who have held their doctorate for no longer than 3 years. In the call’s second edition 154 proposals have been submitted, of which 45 have been approved for funding. The budget distributed among the winners exceeds € 7 million. The grants provide for full-time employment of the laureates by research institutions, implementation of their research projects and 3-6 month fellowships at research centres abroad.

SONATINA is an opportunity for those who have received their doctorate relatively recently and thus, on the one hand, need a steady position at a research institution, and on the other, need experience, for which international collaboration is a welcome environment, said Professor Zbigniew Błocki, director of the NCN. When their projects are over, they will be able to apply for funding under SONATA, a call aimed at more experienced PhDs, or SONATA BIS, which comes with the opportunity to launch a new research team.

The largest share of proposals received in the SONATINA 2 call has been submitted to the arts, humanities and social sciences panels. Out of the 59 projects, funding of more than € 1.85 million was granted to 14. Scholars representing physical sciences and engineering have submitted 55 projects, of which 18, worth in total c. € 2.78 million were approved for funding. In life sciences, researchers proposed 40 projects, with funding of nearly € 2.44 million granted to 13 of them.

To see lists of the projects approved for funding under the SONATINA 2 call, click here.


Polish team among the winners of the international BiodivScen call

Fri, 07/20/2018 - 16:51

A Polish research team, headed by Professor Jan Marcin Węsławski from the Institute of Oceanology at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot, has made the list of winners of the BiodivScen call for international research projects focused on biodiversity and ecosystems. The call was organised by the BiodivERsA consortium, the umbrella for the National Science Centre, and the Belmont Forum network.

Within the framework of the successful ACCESS project, Polish researchers, alongside partners from Denmark, Norway, Canada and the US, will study the deglaciation of the Arctic coastline.

Entitled Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, the call drew 143 submissions. 21 research projects were selected to receive funding of over 28 million Euro.

Nearly 15 million PLN for young researchers from the ETIUDA 6 call

Tue, 07/17/2018 - 15:16

The results of the sixth edition of the ETIUDA call are in. Successful doctoral students will receive a total of ca. PLN 15 million in research scholarships. Out of the 355 young researchers who vied for funding, 147 were selected.

ETIUDA is a grant call offered by the National Science Centre, targeted at researchers who are still taking their first steps in academia. Within the framework of the programme, selected doctoral students receive regular research scholarships of PLN 4,500 per month. They also get the opportunity to complete an internship at a foreign research centre of their choice. To cover their expenses abroad, they are paid a further PLN 9,000 every month.

"Ever since its inception, the National Science Centre has aimed to increase researcher mobility as one of its priorities", says Professor Zbigniew Błocki, the director of the NCN, "Exchanging experiences and transferring knowledge are the only effective ways to help Polish researchers play a greater role in the international arena. The sooner they start cooperating with other research centres, the greater the chance they stand to build large and diverse research teams in the future. The ETIUDA call has already proven its worth in activating the young generation of researchers".

Doctoral students can choose to complete their foreign internship during the grant period, or within a year after its end. They also commit themselves to obtaining their doctorate no sooner than 6 months from the beginning of receiving the scholarship and no later than a year after the last scholarship payment.  

Representatives of different academic disciplines vied for grants available within the ETIUDA 6 call. The largest number of submissions, as many as 152, came from the physical sciences and engineering; out of these, experts chose 64 projects to recommend for funding of nearly PLN 6.5 million. 108 applications were submitted in the arts, humanities and social sciences; 44 received scholarships of PLN 4.3 million in total. Last but not least, 39 out of 95 submissions in life sciences will soon be funded with a total of PLN 4.1 million.

ETIUDA 6 ranking list (in Polish only)

DAINA 1 call results

Mon, 06/25/2018 - 14:46

Together with the Research Council of Lithuania (RCL) we have announced the results of DAINA 1 call for joint Polish-Lithuanian research projects. 

DAINA 1 ranking list

Funding in DAINA 1 was available to Polish-Lithuanian research teams conducting projects within basic research in all fields of science and the humanities. More about the DAINA 1 call.

The National Science Centre to announce MAESTRO 10, HARMONIA 10 and SONATA BIS 8, and to pilot-launch the SHENG call

Fri, 06/15/2018 - 14:37

Ca. € 46.3 million: this is the sum of funding available under the new NCN calls for proposals to researchers who plan to establish new teams, carry out projects in international cooperation or launch innovative and groundbreaking efforts. Researchers planning joint Polish-Chinese projects will compete for more than € 9 million in total.

The SHENG call for Polish-Chinese research projects is a novelty in the Centre’s offer of funding programmes. An agreement establishing cooperation between the National Science Centre and the Chinese research-funding agency, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), was signed at the end of March in Beijing.

We hope that the Polish-Chinese programme will be as popular as previous bilateral NCN funding opportunities. The choice of partner is no coincidence. Entering into and developing a relationship with a country as active in economics and science as China, will certainly be fruitful for the Polish academic community, said Professor Zbigniew Błocki, director of the NCN.

Funding under the SHENG scheme will be available to projects in basic research, carried out under all panels of Physical Sciences and Engineering, as well as Life Sciences and selected panels of Art, Humanities and Social Sciences. Funding will be awarded to research carried out jointly by Polish and Chinese teams, and in which international cooperation is an essential component of the effort. The research should be conducted over 36 months, and both the Polish and the Chinese principal investigator may act as such only in one proposal submitted under the SHENG call. The principal investigator of the Polish team should hold a doctorate, and the budget of the Polish contribution should be no less than € 57,982.

Traditionally, June sees the launch of another SONATA BIS call, seeking to establish new research teams. Principal investigators under the scheme may be doctorate holders who have obtained their degree within 5 to 12 years of submitting their application to the call. Also, the researcher submitting the proposal is required to name between 3 and 10 published papers, the 3 most significant of which should be attached to the proposal. It will be noted that investigators in the project may not include researchers with habilitation or professorship other than the principal investigator. The budget of the 8th edition of the call has been set at more than € 27.83 million.

MAESTRO is a call addressed to advanced researchers, who seek to conduct research surpassing the current state of the art. Principal investigators may recruit from scholars who, over the past 10 years, have published at least 5 papers in renowned Polish or foreign journals, have acted as principal investigators to at least two research projects carried out under nationwide or international calls and have been active in other fields of academic life. The MAESTRO call is being announced for the 10th time, and its budget is nearly € 9.28 million.

It is also the 10th round of the HARMONIA programme: the call for research projects carried out as international collaborations, non-co-funded from foreign resources. Eligible under the call is research carried out in direct cooperation with partners from research institutions overseas, under international programmes or initiatives launched as bi- or multilateral cooperation, and the research in which Polish teams use large-scale international infrastructure. The total funding in the call comes close to € 9.28 million.

The calls will be open until 17 September 2018, and the results will be announced by 15 March 2019.

NCN searching for research institutions ready to establish Dioscuri Centres of Scientific Excellence

Thu, 06/14/2018 - 14:34

The National Science Centre invites Polish research institutions to declare commitment as potential Host Institutions to Dioscuri Centres of Scientific Excellence. Applications for establishing Dioscuri Centres may come from basic organisational units and research centres of higher education institutions, research units of the Polish Academy of Sciences, research institutes, international research institutes established on the territory of Poland, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, other research institutions established on the territory of Poland.

The deadline for submissions expires on 5th November 2018.

Full text of the announcement:

  • Call announcement for Polish research institutions to submit proposals for establishing Dioscuri Centres of Scientific Excellence – text
  • Registration form – text

Submissions meeting the formal requirements will be published alongside the Dioscuri call announcement, thus helping researchers find the right research institution in Poland.

Researchers will be able to choose an institution from beyond the published list, provided that the institution meets the formal requirements and will commit to satisfy the basic conditions specified in the announcement.

Dioscuri is an initiative by the Max Planck Society (MPG), intended to establish Centres of Scientific Excellence in Central and Eastern Europe. The Centres will enable outstanding researchers to carry out top level research at research institutions in this part of Europe.

For details of the Dioscuri programme and all formal requirements, see the Dioscuri web-page.


Marcin Liana, tel. 12 341 9161

Małgorzata Jacobs, tel. 12 341 9173

The results of the first Dioscuri call will be announced in September 2018.

Pre-announcement of the Polish-German calls: BEETHOVEN CLASSIC 3 and BEETHOVEN LIFE 1

Tue, 06/05/2018 - 14:37

3rd Polish-German BEETHOVEN call coming up in September 2018.

Following up on its two successful rounds the National Science Centre (NCN) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) are extending the funding initiative to cover new disciplines.

The BEETHOVEN CLASSIC 3  call will be a continuation of the BEETHOVEN 2 call with a joint peer review and selection process. It is open to research in the humanities, social sciences, chemistry, physics, mathematics and material sciences. This corresponds to the subject areas covered by

  • the DFG review boards/Fachkollegien
  • 101-113,
  • 301-312,
  • 406
  • proposals in the subject areas 317-02, 410-01 are accepted if they have a clear humanities and social sciences focus
  • and NCN panels
  • HS1- HS6
  • ST1.1-1.14, ST1.16-1.17,
  • ST2.1-2.9, ST2.11-2.12, ST2.14-2.18,
  • ST3.1-3.18,
  • ST4.1-4.17,
  • ST5.1-5.24,
  • ST9.1.-9.18.

A new joint call titled BEETHOVEN LIFE 1 will be announced for research in the life science disciplines. This corresponds to the subject areas covered by

  • DFG review boards 201-207
  • and NCN panels NZ1-NZ9.

In this call, DFG will act as the lead agency, i.e. assessment of all applications will be made by the DFG according to its rules for the individual research grants programme.

The aims of the BEETHOVEN CLASSIC 3 and BEETHOVEN LIFE 1 calls are:

  • to support research in the above-named disciplines carried out by Polish-German teams;
  • to strengthen cooperation between Polish and German researchers in basic (knowledge-oriented) research.

Proposals for research projects in the above-listed disciplines must be written in English and submitted by joint Polish-German research teams. The duration of the projects must be either 24 or 36 months.

The National Science Centre (NCN) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) will launch BEETHOVEN CLASSIC 3 and BEETHOVEN LIFE 1 on 14 September 2018.

The submission deadline for proposals under the two calls will be 17 December 2018. Further information will be made available on 14 September 2018 on the websites of both agencies.

Contact persons at NCN:


Humanities and Social Sciences:

Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Material Science:


General inquiries:

Contact persons at DFG:


Humanities and Social Sciences:

Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Material Science:


General inquiries on cooperation with Poland:

Dr. Annina Lottermann, International Affairs, phone: +49 228 885-2802, annina.lottermann@dfg.de

€ 93 million for basic research from the National Science Centre

Tue, 05/15/2018 - 15:09

We have announced the results of the 14th edition of our most popular calls, OPUS and PRELUDIUM. The researchers will receive a total of € 93 million to carry out their research projects.

OPUS and PRELUDIUM are the two flagship calls of the National Science Centre, and they continue to attract the greatest interest among all available funding opportunities. The expert panels of the 14th edition have awarded a total of € 92,208,782 to the submitted research projects. In all, 3122 applications were received for both calls, 669 of which were recommended for funding, setting the success rate at 21%

The OPUS call does not put any threshold requirements of research seniority or academic degree. As a result, the 14th edition welcomed as many as 1968 submissions, 394 of which qualified for funding. Their authors will jointly receive a total of more than € 81 million.

OPUS is our most important grant call and represents more than half of our total budget. It is targeted at young and experienced researchers alike. Statistics show that what really matters is not the academic title or degree, but research achievements and an interesting idea. We are glad that more and more resources today go toward funding doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships", said professor Zbigniew Błocki, Director of the National Science Centre, "PRELUDIUM, on the other hand, reaches out to pre-doctoral applicants, which on a global scale is exceptional. Thanks to their projects, young researchers have the chance to gain hands-on experience of the grant system at an earlier stage than anywhere else in the world.

PRELUDIUM 14 was specifically targeted at pre-doctoral applicants. This time, early stage researchers submitted 1154 applications, 275 of which will receive funding to the total amount of € 9.5 million.

PRELUDIUM 14 allowed applicants to declare higher indirect costs than in previous editions. Their maximum value was increased to 40% of direct costs, not including equipment. The maximum funding limit grew from € 14,000 to 16,000 for one-year projects, from € 28,000 to 32,000 for two-year projects, and from € 42,000 to 49,000 for three-year projects. Another novelty is that the funding will be transferred to the beneficiaries as a one-off payment, immediately upon signing of the grant agreement.

The ranking lists of all projects approved for funding under OPUS 14 and PRELUDIUM 14 are available on the official website of the National Science Centre.

Ranking lists of all projects recommended for funding.

QuantERA Projects Launch Event

Mon, 04/30/2018 - 09:21

More than 100 participants attended the QuantERA Projects’ Launch Event, which was organized in Bucharest on April 24th, 2018. The aim of the event was to gather the representatives of the 26 QuantERA-funded projects, European Commission, research funders and quantum community. The meeting was hosted by UEFISCDI (a research funding organisation from Romania) and the National Science Centre, Poland – the Coordinator of the QuantERA Programme.

During the event the participants could hear about the quantum technology research landscape in Europe and recent developments within the Quantum Flagship. Two panel discussions provided the audience with valuable insights into the topics of Fostering Industry Connections and Promoting Inclusiveness in the field of quantum technology research. The results of the discussions will lay the foundations for further activities of the QuantERA Programme.

All 26 QuantERA-funded projects were presented during the scientific and poster sessions which formed the key part of the event and provided ground for engaging discussions which exceeded the timeframe of the meeting. The abstracts of the projects can be found in the QuantERA Projects Catalogue.

On the second day of the event the participants focused on the topics of Responsible Research and Innovation in QT and clarified further proceedings within the QuantERA-funded projects.

A short movie from the QuantERA Projects' Launch can be found under the following link.


  • Sylwia Kostka, e-mail: sylwia.kostka@ncn.gov.pl, tel: +48 12 341 9018
  • dr inż. Ewelina Szymańska-Skolimowska, e-mail: ewelina.szymanska-skolimowska@ncn.gov.pl, tel: +48 12 341 9155
  • Marlena Wosiak, e-mail: marlena.wosiak@ncn.gov.pl, tel: +48 12 341 9018