Polish research team to carry out an international research project on antibiotic resistance with nearly 1 million PLN awarded for that purpose.
A research team managed by Prof. Dr Hab. Zuzanna Drulis-Kawa from the University of Wrocław was awarded in… czytaj dalej Polish research team to carry out an international research project on antibiotic resistance with nearly 1 million PLN awarded for that purpose.
Following the decision of three applicants not to carry out their projects funded under POLONEZ BIS 1 Call, the National Science Centre launched the procedure to fund proposals placed on the waiting lists. The funding decision was issued to two projects… czytaj dalej Following the decision of three applicants not to carry out the projects funded under POLONEZ BIS 1 call, the funding decisions were issued to two projects representing Physical Sciences and Engineering and one project representing Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
The European Research Council has just published the winners of Starting Grants 2022. Four Poland-based researchers, who also head NCN-funded projects, will be able to start out on their research.
The winners of this round of Starting Grants include: Dr… czytaj dalej The European Research Council has just published the winners of Starting Grants 2022. Four Poland-based researchers, who also head NCN-funded projects, will be able to start out on their research.
The budget of the NCN has been practically frozen for the past few years and inflation has reduced the real value of NCN grants. If our budget is not increased next year, success rates, which are already rather low enough, will be pushed down even further… czytaj dalej “It would be a good idea to try and persuade decision-makers to grant the NCN an extra 150-200 million PLN in additional funding to buttress its budget for next year. This would increase the success rate for our calls to around 25%”, writes the President of the NCN Council in the latest issue of “Forum Akademickie”.
JPIAMR (Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance) will launch in 2023 an international call for projects within the framework of the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION. The call Development of innovative strategies, tools, technologies, and methods… czytaj dalej JPIAMR (Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance) will launch in 2023 an international call for projects within the framework of the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION. The call will involve 21 funders from 18 countries. The total estimated call budget is about 18,8 million Euro, with up to 1 M euro for Polish research teams.
Dr Marta Kołczyńska from the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences will carry out a research project on political participation in the age of polarization under Weave-UNISONO. She has been awarded over 1.1 mln PLN for her… czytaj dalej Dr Marta Kołczyńska from the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences will carry out a research project on political participation in the age of polarization under Weave-UNISONO. She has been awarded over 1.1 mln PLN for her research.
Four projects involving Polish research teams have qualified for funding under Understanding the Mechanisms for Non-Pharmacological Interventions, a call organised by the JPND network. Two of these are coordinated by Polish principal investigators.
This… czytaj dalej Four projects involving Polish research teams have qualified for funding under Understanding the Mechanisms for Non-Pharmacological Interventions, a call organised by the JPND network. Two of these are coordinated by Polish principal investigators.
As many as 194 research tasks were selected for funding in the last round of the MINIATURA 6 call. Successful researchers will carry out preliminary and pilot research projects, complete internships and go on research trips worth a total of more than 7.7… czytaj dalej As many as 194 research tasks were selected for funding in the last round of the MINIATURA 6 call. Successful researchers will carry out preliminary and pilot research projects, complete internships and go on research trips worth a total of more than 7.7 million zlotys.
The Weave-UNISONO programme is designed to fund bilateral and trilateral projects carried out by teams from Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium-Flanders and Poland.
Read on to see the results of the Weave-UNISONO… czytaj dalej Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Bański from the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences will perform a research project under Weave-UNISONO on social and political consequences of spatial imbalance, using Eastern Europe as an example.
In cooperation with the CHIST-ERA European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies, the National Science Centre opens a call for international research proposals in the following fields:… czytaj dalej Researchers studying ICT may submit their funding proposals for projects carried out jointly with foreign partners to the recently launched CHIST-ERA Call 2022
“Research under pressure – How do research institutions and funding organisations react to crisis?”. This is a subject of the third Polish-German Scientific Meeting held in Berlin on 27 and 28 October with the participation of 17 research institutions and… czytaj dalej “Research under pressure – How do research institutions and funding organisations react to crisis?”. This is a subject of the third Polish-German Scientific Meeting held in Berlin on 27 and 28 October with the participation of 17 Polish and German research institutions.
“Nature” has published an article co-authored by Dr Mateusz Tałanda from the University of Warsaw, which sheds new light on the evolution of lizards in the era of the dinosaurs.
Artystyczna wizja wyglądu Bellairsia gracilis. Source: E. Panciroli/… czytaj dalej “Nature” has published an article co-authored by Dr Mateusz Tałanda from the University of Warsaw, which sheds new light on the evolution of lizards in the era of the dinosaurs.